It's a late one this year, but I'm finally on spring break. I can't remember it being this late in the year for a long time. The weird part is that it didn't even fall in the week of Easter like it normally does. Oh well, that just means about 8 weeks or so and then it's time to be a bum for the summer. But what you're wanting to know is the adventures that went down since I last made a post in here. Enough playing around, we better uncover the goodies..

The movie fans out there are wondering what I thought when I went last week with the crew. I rolled to Morgantown on Friday and met up with Cork, Kristen, Ozzie, and Maria. The movie in question? That'd be 21, the blackjack theme about beating the system by counting cards. Going in, I was interested in the storyline, so I hoped I would not be let down. I wasn't and it's worth seeing and gets my recommendation. It didn't blow me away, but I enjoyed it and got my money's worth. On the rating scale, I gave it a 7.2 out of 10. If you want another opinion, Ozzie gave it a 8.8 out of 10, that's some high praise for sure. I didn't figure you could go wrong with a movie that had Laurence Fishburne and Kevin Spacey in it, both are great actors I think. The kids in it were a little cheesy, but they played their role fine enough. On the chick side of things, Kate Bosworth looks real nice in this one, even if she did bust out the short hair.
Before that, I was bored and wanted to blow some money after work. That's not always a great thing to do, but it can't hurt to spoil myself the way I look at it. I don't use my digital cam as much as I should, but my old one was dying on me and basically finished. With that in mind, I had an idea of what I wanted. I go to Target and talk to my boy Dave Carter who was running the electronics section. He was able to hook me up with some deals and I decided upon getting the Nikon Coolpix S51. It's really little, 8.1MP, and has a 3 inch screen on the back which I like a lot. It gets a thumbs up from me, I just hope I use this one more than I did my last one. After that, I had some gift certificates from Finish Line that I haven't used since Christmas, I guess I wasn't in a big hurry. They were sitting around the house for too long, so I ended up getting a new pair of running shoes and picked out a newer version of the Adidas Bounce, really comfortable, another thumbs up. The last trip of the day was at Hat World. Not that I don't already have enough hats, but you can't ever have too many. I load up on an old school blue Milwaukee Brewers hat since I love baseball hats with logos that I'm into, even if they're not my team. Then I get a black DC hat, even though I'm not a skater, but I gotta support Rob from Rob & Big fame.

Saturday night had some action. In a few weeks, Kari and Matty Cakes are going to do the marriage thing and of course I'll be there to see the festivities. The bachelor party was set up and we got a big crew to start the night out at Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm probably the only person in the area who has never been to a BDubs before, but I can't say that anymore. It was pretty good as I ordered some boneless wings of asian flavored ones that Ozzie recommended and my normal Chinese pick of honey chicken, both are really good. My only complaint of the night was that it was ridiculously hot in there. I'm talking Atlanta hot in August when we sweat our nads off, it was almost to that level. Other than that, it was a blast watching the NCAA tourney games and just goofing off for 4 hours in there. After that, the dudes and chicks met up and took a van to Morgantown to get rowdy in the streets to start out the real part of the night. Some of us that don't drink tapped out for that even though I'm sure we would've seen some sights. If it's filthy bachelor party stores with drunken debauchery of tearing up MoTown you are wanting, I'm sorry, I don't have any to give you on that end. I should've went just for blog purposes as hard to tell what went down.
For some reason, I get home that Saturday night and just stay up to a stupid hour of the night (day). After being a bum playing video games and being online the whole time, I finally dive into bed at 11:30 AM on Sunday morning. I wake up at 3:00 PM, not great sleep, but through the week, I did pretty well considering. Those 3½ hours of sleep was enough to energize me for the WrestleMania 24 extravaganza at the Fortney Manor. In attendance for the pay per view was Fortney the host, Abbey with Lil Fortney in the oven, Mudcat, Jimmy Mills, Matt Mills, a ton of good food and myself. How can you beat that? The show itself was 4 hours long and I personally liked it. The main thing everyone of us were there for was the Ric Flair/HBK match. Flair ended up losing to "retire" for good and the way they sent him off was excellent. I'm a huge Flair guy anyways, so I'm biased, but we're talking about the greatest wrestler of all time, I won't even argue that. RAW's tribute to Flair the next night at the end of the show was even better and most watching turned into a little wuss and had some admitted tears. Outside of the Flair match, I also liked the Money in the Bank Ladder Match where CM Punk won and Shelton Benjamin is lucky to be alive after the bump he took. The main event of Undertaker winning the title from Edge was much better than I expected, better than the 3-Way of Cena, Triple H, and Orton with Orton retaining.

I get a lot of questions with people always asking me where my American Idol reports have been. I don't like to do the same exact same thing each week in here, but I do realize I haven't given my Idol thoughts in a while in this space. In the Lobstah message board crew that me and the #basketball bunch are part of, I write up a thing each Tuesday night with my thoughts. This shows I have entirely too much time on my hands, but I think it's entertaining enough and I say what's on my mind. This was before Midget Chick got the boot, so keep that in mind, but this is what I wrote:
Dolly Parton week? You serious? These kids barely even know who she is probably and yet again, they have to sing old songs. Not good times, but oh well. Let’s get it’s on!
Brooke: She’s out with the guitar and people banging on stuff and a violin dude. The hick vibe she brought may work for her, but I thought her past stuff was much better. Randy said it was ok and had pitch problems. Paula says she’s wonderful, then she says Paula’s hair is great. Simon said she didn’t have any emotion in the song. He says the group looked weird together.
David Cook: He also comes out with his guitar and does his own arrangement of a Dolly song. He seems to always start out a little slow, but then it picks up. Not too bad, but he didn’t jam like his normal showings. Randy says it’s another hot one. Paula said it was fantastic and he’s well rounded. “If you can make a song about sparrows good, which actually you did, congratulations.”- Simon

Midget Chick: She seemed nervous to me. This style doesn’t work for her I don’t think. First half and second were totally different. First was bad, second I thought she ended up with strong. Randy said It was 6.5 out of 10. Paula says she connected with the audience. Simon says we won’t remember this one. He said it was cute, but forgettable.
Fidel Castro: The third of our first four people who come out jamming with the guitar. He does a faster song than usual for his standards. He’s not bad at the happy and burnt out songs, but I’m not a fan. He still kinda creeps me out. His face does weird things out there on stage. This was better than he normally does though, so I guess that’s a plus. Randy said it was pretty good and he worked it out. Paula said it was one of his strongest performances and he was confident. Simon didn’t like it at all.
Tattoo Chick: If she cleans herself up, she can look ok. I didn’t say amazing. The end made it for her, she rocked the last few lines. Other than that, to me, even though I’m a fan, it wasn’t one of her best. Randy said it’ll be one of the better performances of the night. Paula said it was glorious and she looked great. Simon thought it was good, but not great. “I also think you should have a word with whoever is dressing you right now.”- Simon. He says she doesn’t look like a star at this point.
Kid David: Dolly is creaming over this kid. It seemed like a church song for me. I think it worked for him though in that goofy sense. He hit his notes, so I’ll give him that. Randy says that is the best performance of the night there and David is back. Paula says he has a beautiful aura about him. She says glorious for the 2nd straight person. Simon said it was absolutely on the money.
Kristy Lee: She’s in her element with country week. She walks out like a WV redneck, bare feet. The hair didn’t work for me at all, gotta leave it down instead of up with a tub of grease in it. It seemed like an easy song to sing with no chances taken. Thumbs down from me, but she keeps lasting. Randy said it’s her wheelhouse and it’s her week. Paula says she looks stunning and it was her best performance. Simon said last week was her best and this week was pleasant, but forgettable.

Syesha: The first song of the night that I’ve actually heard before. She’s looking smokin' here, real nice outfit and look, I’m down with that. She did this one sitting on the piano. I knew Whitney Houston did it, but never knew it was a Dolly song. The ending, dang. She killed it big time I thought. Randy said she took on the biggest song of the night and said she did pretty good. Paula says she looks beautiful and her voice is velvety. What? Simon said it paled in comparison to Whitney’s version. “It was good, but not fantastic.”- Simon. Again, I must not know music because I thought it was solid.
Aussie Boy: The band busts out the electric guitar for him. I still like the grimey voice and I feel is really strong. He’s a cross between some early 80s love song rock or 90s grunge. Let’s give this one a thumbs up for sure. Randy said he keeps up bringing it up a notch and it was blazing hot. Paula says he is a star and he looks gorgeous. Simon said that’s the best he’s ever seen him, nice.
He gone! I’m giving that one to Midget Chick. Kristy Lee hangs on again?? What?
I got the prediction right after missing the last few weeks. I've been kicking Kristy Lee off the past few and she should've been gone a month ago, but Ramiele goes home.
Some last week liked Corndog's words of wisdom. He's back with another good one here that he wrote me out of nowhere with the other day. You might want to take notes on this one as he said verbatim: "dude...someone opened a pack of meatball hot pockets and only ate 1 of them. Who only eats one hot pocket at a time?! i had my heart set on that too!" That ruined his day there. So remember these words, you may need them in a critical situation one day.
We're winding this big episode up and if you've read this far through my ramblings, you either have too much time on your hands too or I must be doing an ok job of keeping your attention. Either way, I'll take what I can get. Yesterday, it was due for another GNC trip. First of the month savings with my Gold Card, welfare style, so I had to get some new things. I ended up going back to one of my favorites, No-Explode. I'm usually not one to hype supplements up too much, but this is the real deal for pre-workout mixes. I've said before, but this stuff will scare you how good it works. I know that's hard to believe, but trust me on this one and go buy it. Aside from that, I ended up getting a product called Leucine XT. These are horse pills that basically serve with protein synthesis to give bigger pumps during workouts and burn more calories as you go. We'll give it a try.

Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week:
Bird's Video Moment of the Week: We have a double feature this time around. First, we go to the mean streets of Webster County from a vid sent by Chrissy. You gotta love this one, plus the song will stick in your head. Kid gets down with it big time and I've probably watched this 10 times so far, Dey Know style: Kasher is at it again. This one is a video made of WNBA Live 08 if there were such a thing:
3 Quick Thangs:
1. Happy happy time! Let's try Monday, April 7th to set the tone right as we have a loaded up list, huge. Francis Ford Coppola, director of The Godfather, he's now 69. Football stud Tony Dorsett, 54. Actor Jackie Chan, he's also 54 and still flipping and flopping all over the place, he's a machine. Another actor, this one on the serious side, Russell Crowe, 44. Go see American Gangster if you haven't yet, I've told you people enough. C-level celeb Bill Bellamy, 40. Actor Jack Black, he goes for 39 and School of Rock is still one of my favorite kiddie type movies. My boy Ricky "Running" Waters of Notre Dame fame, he's also 39 and seems like he's been done with football for ages. Posh Spice is slutting it up for her 33rd. The Barber Twins of NFL lure, they go for 33 as well. One of #basketball's legends, DerekHood himself, he celebrates for his 26th.
2. Today's silly fact? A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. So if you were there counting, I've just saved you some time. Don't believe me? Count em out.
3. I went out to eat yesterday with my buddies from work. We hit up Bob Evans for lunch. I've always ate breakfast there, but never went during lunch time. This time, we go during lunch, but I get breakfast anyways, go figure. Raspberry crepes with cream cheese and whipped cream to go with some biscuits and gravy, yum yum. Go get some of those raspberry crepes, they rock it out.
1 comment:
"Welfare Style!"..haha, CLASSIC.
Another great blog.. I love it. I think, you should of hit up the club could of ordered a chocolate milk or something haha.
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