So the regular season of NBA is over and that means that I’m at a loss. How’s that? For 6 months of the year, everyday basically I’m doing stats out by hand for the EDDFL, our local money fantasy NBA league. Now that I don’t have to do that each night, I kind of just sit here in a daze it seems like. But at least we have the playoffs in gear and my boys are the #3 seed in the East. That’s what playing in a bad division will get you, considering we had 45 wins, nothing too wild. Please get Big Al Jefferson some minutes though. I’m not sure what he has to do. He’s our only true post player and when he gets minutes, he puts up stats. Yet he gets sent to the bench quickly after, go figure. Not to mention Walker is suspended for starting a near rumble and then pushing a ref out of the way. That’s my boys.
I’ll take a break here to hype up a new Blog on the market. This one is from my boy Walz, a West Virginia native and #basketball member. You can check that out at http://walzywalzworld.blogspot.com. Be sure to give him some comments.
It was finally time to re-organize my CD collection. This is a job in itself. I put them in my cases alphabetically, so that means I have to take every one of them out when I go on a cleaning spree. For those wondering, I’m now up to 574 total CDs, not too shabby I guess. I have them spaced out between four cases. Those leather deals that hold like 250 or whatever. I have a few that holds like 250 and a few that holds 210. I space it out between letters so I’m able to add stuff without having to re-organize. I try to think a step ahead of the game.

A lot of wrestling news to talk about in this one. I’ll see what I can do for a quick summary. First, let’s roll to Monday Night RAW. RAW this week was held in Birmingham, England. Batista can’t talk for the life of him. Poor guy stumbles through his lines and has to have Triple H come out and run the interview segment. A great thing they did this week was having Big Viscera take the lovely Trish Stratus on a date. You have a guy 500 pounds or whatever in a storyline with one of the hottest chicks on the planet. I doubt he complained when the writers told him what his role will be for the next few weeks. Big Vis played his character great and I’m glad they let him talk and try to do something with it. I was rolling. After he orders everything on a page of the menu, he says that since he took Trish out to eat, he deserves to get some. She said that first he has to beat down Kane for her on Sunday. To give him a little preview, she then flashes him and he doesn’t know what to think. The main event was Christian going after Batista’s title, wow. Nice to see Christian in this spot and I hope this gives him a boost. He’s a great all around guy, who is awesome on the mic and has ring skills to go with it. He’s paid his dues, let’s see how far he can get up on the rung. His stuff with Flair in the backstage skits were about as good as it gets. Triple H tried to do his best to have Batista lose, but Batista ended up getting the pin on Christian. After that, HHH busts him with the Pedigree to show him how it’s done.
This Sunday, it’s Pay Per View time. It will be WWE Backlash. It just seems like we had a PPV, but of course I’ll be ready to see this thing, along with my crew. I’ll do a quick prediction thing to gear you guys for that. First, it’s our main event of Batista giving HHH a rematch for the World Title. I’m taking HHH in this one just because his character is over more and he has the power. I’m rooting for him in this one too. I know a lot of internet fans aren’t big HHH supporters, but I’m not one of those, I respect him a lot. We also have an epic tag team of Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan facing Muhammad Hussan and his sidekick, Daivari. Daivari is actually a good wrestler from what they’ve shown so far, but he’s tiny. The crowd will be absolutely insane during this match and will worship HBK and Hogan. I’d hate to be the match following this one. Even if it’s not good, the fans will be popping regardless. HBK and Hogan easily, unless they pull something crazy. A match I’m really looking forward to is Shelton Benjamin putting the Intercontinental Title up for grabs against Jericho. Jericho has done some amazing mic work for this feud (at least I think) and they both go balls to the wall in the ring, so this one has big potential. I’m going with Jericho to get gold here. We have a Last Man Standing Match with Edge and Benoit. I just hope this is a good match, but I’m picking Edge here, even if he is in the doghouse with the other wrestlers. Benoit will make him look like a champ though. Fat boy match with Kane locking up against Big Vis. Kane is worthless as far as a character right now, but I still think he’ll win this match. I hope I’m wrong, because I like the direction they’ve started with Vis and Trish. Finally, we have Tag Team Turmoil. This is a match with a whopping 5 different teams! The Heart Throbs (you have to see these young dudes, they’re a trip and have been funny early on), La Resistance, Hurricane/Rosey, Simon Dean/Maven, and Regal/Tajiri.
On a sidenote, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan said the Shawn Michaels/Kurt Angle match at WrestleMania this year is his pick for best match ever. Evarrrrr! Wow. That’s high praise there. I wouldn’t go that high. Good, but best evarrrr? Come on now.

I finished Terry Funk: More Than Just Hardcore very quickly. It was an awesome read and I love reading through a good wrestling book. I’ve read a ton of wrestler biographies and I’m not sure I’ve read a bad one yet. If you’re slipping on old school wrestling knowledge and some nice behind the scene stories, this one is for you. The day I finished this, I picked up Dusty Rhodes’ new book, Dusty: Reflections Of An American Dream. Funk and Dusty are from the same generation and same part of the country. As I type this up, I’m 46 pages in and it’s another one that is hard to put down. My barber could be a stunt double for Dusty if he had to be. They look exactly alike.
Ok, so I’m not done talking about wrestling yet. I’ll write even more wrestling stuff. Thoughts go out to Chris Candido’s family. He passed away today at the very early age of 33. It’s tough to see a wrestler you’ve watched basically his entire career go down the tubes like that. No definite reason is out yet to why he died, but reports say it may be blood clots from surgery. He used to be big into drugs as well as his chick (Sunny or Tammy Lynn Sytch). Another reason this is tough on me is that he spent a lot of his years with the greatest wrestling promotion ever, ECW. Wrestlers drop like flies. Let’s hope this is the last wrestling death for a while. Here's Candido throwing up the respected Triple Threat salute. I'll throw mine up to honor him.

Speaking of ECW, I’m going to be literally hating myself for not getting tickets to June’s Hardcore Homecoming straight from the mecca known as the ECW Arena. You can’t put a price on this at all and it’s a hard package to pass up. Unless you’ve experienced it yourself, you have no idea how legendary it is to be at a wrestling show inside the ECW Arena. Maybe the best experience of my life. I’ve been to a lot of WWE shows, even Pay Per View stuff, and it can’t even hold a candle to an ECW event. You get your money’s worth before the show even begins. And if you thought about taking a chick to an ECW show, you’d get hounded all night long. I remember a show in Pittsburgh where about 1000 people were all pointing and chanting at this dude and his chick and telling her show her tits. They’d throw stuff at them and just get on them all night.
I just got done watching 106 & Park’s Freestyle Friday. Every Friday, they have a freestyle battle between the past week’s champ and the new challenger. This week the champ was a reigning 3-week title holder. It all ended this week. I’m not usually big on chick rappers at all since they can’t bring it hard, but they had a chick on there today that straight up messed this cat up. And she really went with true freestyle too, instead of memorizing lines they practiced on before the show. Props to her for that.
I’ll end this thing with some Stern action. That’s right, Howard Stern. Cork talked about this in his Blog too (http://corkzilla.blogspot.com), but I’ll give the story as well. Last night on the show, he had his Stupid Bowl. On this, he brings in 4 porn chicks and has them compete in events. I turned it on and missed the first 10 minutes but when I started watching, they were playing Strap-On Golf. They had 15-inch strap-ons hooked to the top of their head and they had to putt the golf ball into the hole. I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Then the last event was Deepthroat Karaoke. This is where Stern brought out big pieces of sausage. The idea of this game is that they were required to get 4 inches in (nothing for these girls) and sing at the same time. They sang Amazing Grace while having a sausage in. One of the girls who was eliminated earlier, still got a chance to do the Deepthroat Karaoke. She was all pumped up to do it and ended up not really singing, but showing the world how much she can get in. Classic stuff. I was just rolling at how Stern was being all serious during all of this. Funny stuff how low some of these chicks will stoop, but it makes for great TV and you know the guys love it. That’s talent, hah.

3 Quick Thangs:
1. I can’t get enough of this Devil Rays and Red Sox beanball war. I find it amusing how the World Champions are distracted by a team like Tampa. But other than that, a beanball war is good for baseball in my opinion.
2. Taken from the great Boston Sports Guy, here’s a quote to check out: "Nothing happens today ain't going to affect July, August, September. Santana (Moss) calls me every day: 'Man, what y'all do today?' I'm like: 'Man, we ain't did nothing. We're doing the same thing you're doing in Miami, running and working out. You ain't missed nothing.”- Clinton Portis on mini-camp
3. I just got done watching Chuck Norris bust up heads old school style in one of the Missing In Action movies. Does it get much better than movies that has martial arts involved and guys get mangulated? I didn’t think so.
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