You talk about a great RAW this week. Actual wrestling for the majority of the show? Tell me I just woke up from a dream. Not the American Dream Dusty Rhodes (we’ll get to him in the next Blog probably), but a very nice show. They start the show with the Gold Rush Tournament to see who is the #1 contender for Batista’s World Title. Our first match is Kane against Christian. Somehow, they put Kane over in this match. What does Kane bring to the table exactly? Give him a new character or something. And what’s the point of building up Christian for the past month or so with some big interviews and not letting him win the in 1st Round here. Pathetic. Our second match was incredible I thought. HBK taking on Shelton Benjamin. A quick paced match and these guys can go in the ring. The ending was done really well as Shelton comes off the ropes and while he’s in mid air, HBK hits a perfect Sweet Chin Music to his grill for the win. It looked vicious on TV. Our third of four tourney matches featured Jericho going against Mr. Money In The Bank, Edge. With help from the briefcase, Edge advances. I’m liking Edge’s briefcase storyline for some odd reason. Our main event was Benoit against Triple H. This tourney is loaded up. The ending of this one was a shock to everyone as HHH tapped! This is the 3rd time HHH has tapped out to Benoit. Wow, 3 of the 4 matches were very well done. There were a few other matches on the show, but not worth mentioning. Next week we’re down to the Final 4. Kane vs. HBK and Edge vs. Benoit. Should be solid. Oh yeah, during the main event, Good ‘Ol JR busted out both concussed and carnage. I love it. I could listen to that stuff all day. Some words you only hear on RAW and RAW only.
I went to the dentist on Tuesday for two fillings. Yeah, all of this candy I eat does come with a high price. I could be putting worse things into my body I guess. It’s never fun to get your face all numbed up, especially since I had to do a filling on each side of my mouth that day. The good part though is that I had two hot chicks working on me, so I’ll take the good with the bad. You can’t go wrong with that combo in your face.

My boy ManDingo sent me this webpage the other day and it had me cracking up good. Apparently, in Pennsylvania there is this restaurant with a 15 pound burger! It features 10½ pounds of beef, 25 slices of cheese, a head of lettuce, three tomatoes, two onions, a cup and a half each of mayo, relish, ketchup, mustard, and banana peppers. Are you kidding me? The price? $30! It can supposedly feed a family of 10 the owner claims. Before this, they had a 6 pound burger that some freak 100 pound chick was able to eat. Check out the entire article at: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050503/D89RMI981.html
On the food topic, there’s something out there you must pick up. I’m not sure how long it’s been out, but it’s new to me anyways, so I’m going to talk about it. I’m a huge rice fan, especially Chinese type rice. Anytime I can find a good thing of Pork or Chicken Fried Rice, I’m all over it. Mom comes home one day with this stuff called Rice A Roni Express. It’s rice in this microwaveable bag and it only takes 90 seconds to cook it. My kind of “cooking” there. You get a good bit and it’s simple.
I’m sure I’ve talked about this topic before, but I do that with a lot of topics, so you’ll have to deal with it. I’m not a big fan of chicks that get all freaked out with piercings and tattoos. Tats I can’t handle at all though, so that’s another story for another time. Piercings I can handle though to a point. I don’t want some hardcore goth chick with piercings everywhere, but there are a few I like a lot. On the conservative route, I’m big on the belly button ring, but everyone has those now it seems, so that’s not out of the ordinary. One I’ve grown even bigger on is the nose stud. Not the weird nose rings, but the little diamond deals. You know what I mean. Something about that, if on the right chick, totally does it for me. I’ll pass on porn type piercings though as I’m not into that.
Out of the CDs I downloaded in the past two days, both are good. That is Outlawz and Z-Ro. One I’ll talk about to really hype up. Z-Ro’s latest, Let The Truth Be Told, is one of the better albums I’ve heard in quite some time. A few months ago, I said that my favorite album so far this year is Layzie Bone and Bizzy Bone teaming up to give us Bone Brothers. This one is right there with it and may surpass it on second listen. This guy has a ton of albums out there and has been in the game for a long time. Props to Dom for introducing me to Z-Ro a few years back. If anyone doesn’t know, Z-Ro is another Houston rapper and he somewhat reminds me of a harder Nate Dogg in his voice style, but he brings more gangsta to it. Even if you don’t know the dude, pick up his stuff. It’s that good. Or as the great Triple H would say, “I’m that damn good.”

3 Quick Thangs:
1. I can’t get enough of Marissa Tomei in the new Hanes commercials. Not only is she a hot MILF, but one of my favorite chicks out there, regardless of age.
2. Ugh, Celtics season almost over, barring a miracle. Bad times.
3. “After I rock, fast forward through the rest of this song. We the monkey wrench that’s gonna ruin your plan. And don’t fuck with John Cena, I’m a bad bad man.”- John Cena from the song, I’m A Bad Bad Man
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