Friday at work and what was the big action? Not too much actually. I made a rare bad choice with movies this week. A decent bit of my kids wanted to see The March Of The Penguins. I was a little interested in this from the previews when it came out, so I figured I'd give it a try. We put it in during my first class and little did we know, it's a stupid documentary. Like that's going to keep anyone's attention. So we went with our second option. Another girl had Freaky Friday on her. Yeah, a kid's movie, and Lohan before she got all cracked out, but this was my first time seeing it. I didn't think it was too bad at all. Then my second class comes in and we weren't going to watch penguins strut around like the pimps they are, so in that class, another kid found The Animal. Good choice and it's a funny movie, one I've seen before. This had the kids glued to the TV, even those who had seen it before. My last class was supposed to bring in Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but the chick had it at home, doh! So we go to our next best and we get a movie from a buddy of mine across the hall, and we get Joe Dirt. You kidding me? I'm getting paid to watch Joe Dirt? Awesome stuff, this movie doesn't get old. You get Kid Rock being a horrible actor that it's so bad it's hilarious and Spade is dead on with the redneck mullet guy. One of my favorite movies.
How's American Idol been? It's starting to pick up, so you better jump along for the ride. My boy Corndog is into it and of course most of the chicks I talk to love the show. Anyways, we're down to 20 if I counted right. The guys as a group are a lot better this year than the chicks so far, at least in my opinion. With the chicks, Paris Bennett straight tears the house down when she's out there. She's like midget size and 17, but she brings it. The other chick I'm rooting for is of course, Kellie Pickler. I'm huge into accents as that's one of my big turn-ons, especially a southern one. Add that to a girl who looks good and that's money. On the guy's side, I'm pulling for my boy Taylor Hicks, the gray headed dude. Other guys that I thought have a chance are Chris Daughtry and Sway Dizzle Penala. I was telling my girl Jenn Jenn that Chris looks like her brother except Chris is half his size and not roided out, she agreed. David Radford does some great Sinatra type stuff, but I don't think he goes far.

Sometime this semester, I have to complete an experience in a K-4 classroom, which is the little kids as a way to finish up my Masters. I'll still be at the high school, but an hour every so often, I'll drive to a nearby elementary school just to watch the action go down. I might want to hang myself after that hour and rush back to the high school, 100 miles per hour. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting to teach the older kids, but I don't think you could pay me enough to teach elementary. Not my thing there, a totally different ball game.
WrestleMania is approaching. RAW has been interesting as of late and the storylines leading into Mania should be solid. Vince had 4 of the 5 members of the Spirit Squad take on HBK. Every single one of these guys are talented and come from the OVW ranks. They're in a cheerleader gimmick, but hopefully their talent will shine over their character. The main thing this week was that HHH, RVD, and Big Show were the main event. Good to see RVD out there doing his thing in the main event and I'm a big HHH fan as well. HHH ends up winning to get his shot at the title at the PPV.

Freak was requesting the return of song lyrics. 95% of the time, it's rap. But we got talking about 80s hair bands and we'll roll with this one:
Group: Warrant - Song: Headed For A Heartbreak
Morning came and I was on my way
When you reminded me
I had too soon forgotten
It was you who set me free
Yeah you were here when I came
And you'll be here when I'm gone
So don't be waiting for love
'Cause I'll be waiting to ramble on
Darling don't wait up for me
Tonight I won't be home
You've become a stranger
And I just got to be alone
Don't need nobody on my side
To dull the blade I'm on
So don't be waiting for love
'Cause I'll be waiting to ramble on
It's no mistake
Don't you think I can feel the pain
I walk away to live again
Don't make me hurt you
Don't you think I feel the pain...
3 Quick Thangs:
1. A little late, but Happy 24th Birthday to my cousin Ozzie who hit that mark on Thursday.
2. February 25th birthdays? Sportscaster Billy Packer is 66. Beatle George Harrison is 63. The man himself, Ric Flair, is 56. Former Laker Kurt Rambis is 48. The Magic Man Don Majkowski goes for 42. Carrot Top is 41, geez!!
3. You might've seen it on SportsCenter earlier in the week, but here is an awesome story that you have to see to believe it. This autistic kid who has been a manager for a high school team was put into the game for the last game of the season. He goes on to torch this team with an array of 3s. It turns into an And1 crowd. Check it out, thanks to our very own Kasher for finding this clip: http://youtube.com/watch?v=UBYPaNc57Ik
it had been awhile since a blog. glad to hear you are doing okay. my man Ric Flair's birthday is here! WOOOOOOO....idol is getting good. i am with you on the girls picks. i wanted to see the penguino movie but now i am having second thoughts. about the little kids, they are cute. i know you will have fun with them. please don't hang yourself. :-( hmmm...That video about the basketball dude is awesome. WTG Kash! take it easy up there.
With the mullet?
Ed ... I can't read or hear Ric Flair without thinking of LL Cool J ... That is probably my only good "Wrestling" story. As for the kid draining threes ... I watched the video from ESPN.com earlier in the week. It truly was a great 4 minutes.
that song is by winger not warrent
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