Road trip! Off to Cleveland for some Ring of Honor wrestling action. Me and Spank roll out of Shinnston around noon after battling in some NBA Live 2007 before leaving. More on that later. We first stop at Wal-Mart to get some fantasy basketball magazines. Also, more on that later as well. Before leaving our county, we eat at Applebee's and are fired up they don't have the select two entrees for $10 deal or whatever anymore. Now they hype up this dork from The Food Network and you can pick from like 4 different things he has a recipe for, get out of here. We get to Cleveland around 6:00 or a little before. It's about a 4 hour trip, but with messing around and not being in a rush, there you go. We hit up mostly older rap for this ride. 2Pac, Trick Daddy, some older Birdman, and of course when you get near Cleveland you have to put in Bone Thugs or it wouldn't be a Cleveland trip. We eat at some Lizard Lounge (close enough) place up there before the show, I forget the name.
Now it's off to the show. We have 2nd row tickets and we're pumped. As we get there, the line is going way down the street before the doors open. With ROH, the wrestlers are hands on and you can hang out with them like you would a regular bum. We pull in to park and we park right beside the champion, Bryan "The American Dragon" Danielson. I've raved about him before as being one of (if not the best) wrestler in the world. We pull in and see Dragon and also Samoa Joe hanging in the parking lot talking to the fans.

We see this dude pulling in driving a Mustang. He goes to park in a spot and somehow hammers on the gas and runs over a concrete uprise and mangles his car. He's sitting there for about 5 minutes not doing anything. His buddy runs out of the car and heads to the show. Weird already. Anyways, Spank walks up to this guy's window and tries to help him to move the car. The guy was cranked up on acid or something hardcore because he was a total mess. For the first hour of the show, the guy was in a trance and we got a good laugh out of him. Kids, don't do drugs. You might end up all tuned up on acid and wreck your Mustang.
We're in the building. I won't ramble on about the exact show because I know that 90% of the people reading don't even have a clue what ROH is (the shame). The matches were off the chart, the fans are the best in the business, and you get a quality experience. Everytime they come back to Cleveland, they have my money for sure. I load up on 8 new DVDs while I'm there. Yes, I'm an idiot, but nothing else to spend my money on. Outside of Joe and Danielson, we felt the presence of Jim Cornette, a true legend in this business. He may be the best on the mic in all of wrestling and he did his thing for about 10 minutes straight as he had the crowd eating out of his hand. During the intermission, we hung outside in the parking lot to get some air. While out there, we're talking to Homicide (the same that is on TNA on Thursday nights, Spike TV at 11:00). He's a huge Yankees fan and so am I. We kept getting updates on the Yanks game going on that night through our phone. A very cool guy and easily approachable. He also told us of some inside info dealing with TNA, so that was fun.

The trip back to the mean streets of Shinnston. We had to hit up White Castle again or it wouldn't be a trip. We ended up getting 13 cheeseburgers (remember they're little), 2 orders of clams, onion chips or whatever they're called, cheesesticks, and drinks that were insanely big. They mangled our order, kept apologizing, and I don't think the guy working could read or write. Someone left in front of us in the drive-thru as they were pissed. It was worth the wait for some greasy food, I liked it.
Quick sports news. My Yanks got routed in their series with the Tigers. My boys got one win, ouch. Game 2 was nuts as they had Verlander and Zumaya both throwing in triple digits. Zumaya hit 103 at least once out there on the gun that I saw. That's just nasty. The only guy that seemed to get around on these guys was Sheffield and that's because he probably has the quickest (as well as hardest) swing in all of baseball. Not much I can say. I'm happy for Jimmy Leyland though. I'm in the camp that isn't against A-Rod though. Sure, he choked in the clutch, but he still had a good year. Not MVP like as he should, but his numbers in a "bad" year are what most would consider a career year. As far as my Irish, they got the win at least against Stanford. We're finally in a stretch of lesser teams, so hopefully they don't screw it up. 5-1, next week it's UCLA. As I type this, my Bears are up 30-0 on Spank's Bills as the 4th quarter starts. That's mean.

EDDFL! Yep, fantasy NBA is right around the corner and that's what I live for. Today we had our draft lottery at my house and that was a fun time. 11 guys in the league this year and I'll be talking about that a lot more. Here's the order we're picking this year for our upcoming Draft Day on October 22nd, live from Bunny's in Fairmont:
1. Riley
2. Fleece
3. Me
4. Cork
5. Fortney
6. Spank
7. Mudcat
8. TJ
9. Sidell
10. Ozzie
11. Posey
I was wanting somewhere in the middle of the pack, but I'll take #3 and be happy with it. This is the first year that we've had a draft lotto, so it'll be fun to see how the preparation goes and how everyone's mock drafts work out.

Starting tomorrow, and for the next 6 weeks, I have to do student teaching in an elementary school in special education and I'll have my full Masters degree when all is said and done. I'm kind of excited for that, so that'll be nice when I take care of that business. I've done very little elementary work, so hopefully I don't have to smack any of those little tots around, hah. Give em the ol pimp slap. I think it'll be ok though, I'll just have to adjust.
A quick NBA Live 2007 update. Me and Spank are already done with an entire month's worth of games. Still hard, but we have a win and we're on our way now. Sure, we could wuss it down and put it on pansy level, but what's the fun in that? This will more than likely be my last game until the Nintendo Wii comes out next month, but we'll see. I want to get Bully in a few weeks for PS2, but hard to tell.
2 new CDs to the collection. They are both 2Pac compilations. One is called A Decade Of Silence. This one features 13 songs that are mixed or featuring other people and then another 7 songs that are his early years. Some of those you wouldn't even recognize as 2Pac. The other CD is called Sunset Boulevard. This one has a lot of stuff that wasn't released before and older tracks as well.
Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week: http://www.myspace.com/miss_tease

3 Quick Thangs:
1. Let's roll out the birthday carpet for Monday, October 9th, also Columbus Day: John Lennon would've been 66. The racist, former Senate Majority Leader of the Republican Party, Trent Lott is 65. Actor Robert Wuhl goes for 55. Actor Scott Bakula is celebrating his 52nd. My boy Mike Singletary, one of the best linebackers ever, Happy 47th! Former Celtic and NY streetball legend Kenny Anderson hits 36. Golfer Annika Sorenstam also has her 36th.
2. For the locals, we're back to playing ball regular again. For a while, we'll be ballin' it up at School Square on Thursday nights. 7:00. Bring whoever you want. Then when it gets colder and when Jerry West starts, we'll move to The Lighthouse. This town is nothing but lazy bums, but spare a few hours of your week to play some ball, you won't be disappointed.
3. How come nobody is making more of the porn featuring Screech of Saved By The Bell fame? Supposedly there is a 40-minute sex tape going around. Surprisingly I haven't tried to download this mess yet, but I'm sure it'd be easy to get. Things I'm reading say he's there with 2 other chicks and the famous Dirty Sanchez move is part of this video. Don't know what that is? Look it up, but I'm guessing most know that one. Screech in porn? Sure, it's weird, but you know you're definitely interested now. You're straight lying if you say you wouldn't watch just out of wonder.
Was it the Winking Lizard? I've only been to Cleveland once but we stopped in there when I was there. My dad still has a t-shirt from there I think. - ManDingo
Nice call Dingo. Yep, that's the exact place. I liked the setup in there, not bad at all. Prices weren't too bad either for being downtown.
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