Since NBA season is right around the corner, everybody knows that is what I live for. Boston Celtics ball and fantasy NBA, it doesn't get much better. On Sunday, it was the annual EDDFL (E-Town Diaper Dandies Fantasy League) Draft. I've been doing fantasy NBA since I was about 10. I have the league information saved from at least 1993 or so, wishing that I had the beginning years, but that's close enough. What an interesting ride it was just to draft though, but more on that in a few. As stated a while back, we had 11 in the league this year. 9 were live in attendance, while we had 2 guys from out of state drafting. A staple to the league, ManDingo, is taking a year's leave of absence from the group, but he's back in to rock it out next year as his spot is saved. Of course, I'm providing you all with the group pic this year. Look at us doing our thing. In front it's me and Cork. Standing it is Mudcat, Fortney, Spank, TJ, Fleece, Ozzie, and Posey.
The plan? We were to meet at Bunny's Lounge in Fairmont at 12:30. We should've known better. Anyways, Sorine was supposed to hook us up, but the idiots that we are, we thought he'd be reliable for once. Nope, ugh. Dad laughed at us from the beginning for going through with that plan and he's one of Sorine's buddies saying that. He didn't show, so we had to move our camp, eventually to the old Smokehouse BBQ and what a choice we made. We had a big room to ourselves, a TV, booths, tables, just a ton of room to have some space. TJ had the duty of being draft central as he had a 3-way going through his cell between Riley (in Michigan and regular blog comment guy for those not in the know) and Sidell (in South Carolina).
I had 3rd pick out of 11. I am happy with what I did and here is your 2006-2007 E-Town Junkies.. Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is no longer!
1. Dwyane Wade: MIA
2. Joe Johnson: ATL
3. Adam Morrison: CHA (R)
4. Gerald Wallace: CHA
5. Boris Diaw: PHO
6. Charlie Villanueva: MIL
7. Josh Smith: ATL
8. Josh Howard: DAL
9. Jorge Garbajosa: TOR (R)
10. Drew Gooden: CLE
11. Sammy Dalembert: PHI
12. Stromile Swift: MEM
13. Damon Stoudamire: MEM
14. Darko Milicic: ORL
15. Jarvis Hayes: WAS

The first snowfall in Shinnston went down on Monday. That's great in my book as I'm a huge winter fan and not into the hot junk. We've had a few weak winters in the past few for our standards. I think we can be due for some big action as far as snowfall goes, let's only hope anyways. I crack up when people around here freak out at the sight of snow. It's not like we live in Florida or something, we're in a decent snow area. Get used to it.
Anyone get to see the finale of Flavor of Love 2 a few weeks back? You talk about a great show. If you're all about watching drama on TV (not in your own life, that's never fun), this show is for you. Flav ended up sending New York packing again as she flipped out on the final day and turned into her Mom. For those who saw that, you know exactly what I mean. The winner this year is Deelishus. Deelishus was on 106 & Park the other day on BET and she was looking nice, the show didn't do her justice. Also a rumor they said is that New York might be getting her own show called Flavorette. What guy wants to get hooked up with that piece of work?

Last weekend it was sandlot football time. The time before that time, we had 10 of us playing. This time we were able to round up 14 for bigger action. We started out on the main field at Lincoln and then got kicked off and had to go to the practice field. Almost 30 years old and getting kicked off fields, only my crew. The practice field is perfect size though. Who all was in attendance? Me, Spank, Fortney, Posey, Ozzie, Ferris, Jeffery Swiger, Bart, Linville, Buck, Sweet Pea, Slim, Albright, and Mookie. Guys aging from 16-28, not too shabby. I like playing D a lot more than offense. Play some corner and get a chance to lock someone down. Nobody can lock down Bart though, he's a machine. 6'4" with speed, just lob it up there, he's bound to get it most of the time. I think we'll have something regular going on Sundays, but you never can tell with the guys in this town to if you can count on them or not. Want to play? Let us know, you're in.
Even the non-wrestling fans will crack up at this one. If you've kept up with the news the past week or so, you know that K-Fed Kevin Federline has been on WWE Monday Night RAW. I was thinking the same as you were before seeing it. He just played himself and the crowd went nuts on him, he played the perfect bad guy and it has worked very well so far. The WWE is getting some mainstream media coverage of this and in process they are hyping up K-Fed's new rap CD coming out on Halloween. That has to be a disaster, but I'll get it just because I'm curious.

In a few random notes.. Don't pick up Puff's new CD that I mentioned in the last blog, Press Play. It's brutally bad I thought and Cork agreed with that assessment. Maybe you'll feel differently. Also, I'm due for a new pair of basketball shoes. Last week the bottoms started giving out on my And1's that I've had for a while, so it was time to load up today. I'm too fast for my own good out there on the court that I come out of my shoes, hah. Or something. Since I'm a Converse guy from back in the day, I got a nice deal on the Dwayne Wade 1 LE kicks. Red, white, and blue. They're pretty pimp.
Remember, clocks fall back this weekend an hour. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Bird's You Tube Moment of the Week: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5YZuPFSkTgU
Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week: http://www.myspace.com/stephani3

3 Quick Thangs:
1. I've been on this huge Mountain Dew kick the past few weeks for some reason. I was never big on it back in the day, but I guess I am now. I still try to limit my pop drinking, but every now and then I gotta load up, you know how it goes. Do The Dew. It's no Cherry Coke, but it'll work.
2. I can't wait for the Borat movie, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. That's going to be something else. For those who don't know of the Borat skits on Da Ali G Show, you're straight up missing out. Check out the previews online, you're going to love it.
3. Ever get so tired you're standing up being all dizzy? That was me at work all day today from being online till the wee hours and waking up with not much sleep. I never learn. They probably thought I was all mangled.
HAHA nice youtube clip...I got a kick out of that one :)
I am so jealous... we *in the great WHITE north* didn't get any kinda snow fall as of YET... it tricked me this morning... thought it was snow but it was just frost... send some of that up here eh???... i got a sled *snowmobile * that i want to rip up eh???...
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