Spring is here and that means it's time for people to start running around half naked with less clothes on. Usually that isn't a bad thing. But most of those people that do that have no business doing so, yet they still get out there and flaunt it around. I'm not too picky with that. I just ask for two simple rules when it comes to the season that the weather begins to warm up. If you're a crackhead anorexic chick that has bones showing everywhere, keep the clothes on. It's for everyone's own good, trust me on that. Also, we don't need chicks showing their c-section scars, white trash tats, and rolls on top of rolls out there either. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer a chick with some thickness on her (not fat, so keep the comments to yourself, but you know what I mean) any day over some anorexic person. Once again, we speak the truth around here to make things fun. My comments might not agree with what you think, and that's fine, but it still makes for an interesting read.
Over the past week, there really hasn't been anything drastic that has went down in my mean streets. Lame, I know, but I'm just being honest about it. What that means is that we'll focus on a bunch of random thoughts and just ramble away until we get a relevant blog posted this time around. My schedule doesn't change too much as most know. I go to work, come home and either workout or play ball, get online way too much, hit up some video games, watch some NBA or wrestling, that's about it in a nutshell. I'll never grow up, but I'm not complaining.
I haven't plugged my MySpace page in a while around these parts, so now is as good of a time as any. If you don't have a page created, why not kill some time and set one up? It's highly addictive though and you find yourself on there for hours on end before you even know it. The people who already have a page (everyone and their brother basically) can vouch with my comment there and tell you it's addicting. Half of the time you're looking at bums you don't even have a clue about. How does that take up so much time you're asking? You just have to take my word on it. Anyways, I have a few old school pics added that I put up yesterday that people are getting a kick out of. Among those are me and Big Barney being dorks and jamming air guitar with brooms in 1989, my favorite all time picture of my crew (E-Town 1989, which is blown up and hangs on my wall for those who know that classic), and some 1988 action of the Catholic Connection that features Riley, Fleece, Merandi, and myself. I also have some newer current pics in there as well. Who would've guessed I'd be holding babies in a picture? My buddies always crack up at that thought and had to get a few pics of me holding the Posey clan just to say I did it. I always feel like I'm going to mangle a baby if I hold them, but I got it done. Add me if you already haven't or drop in some comments, http://www.myspace.com/drudown894.
*Fantasy baseball alert! You may want to skip the next paragraph if you're not a fan. If you stay through this paragraph anyways, much appreciated. If not, I'll see you in the following paragraphs and we'll get back with you with talks of punk middle school kids, new CDs, and whatever else..

I can smell it. Yep, that's the smell of baseball in the air. That also means that it's time for fantasy baseball drafts and I am totally pumped for that madness that is about to ensue. For me, I'm one of the weird ones out of my bunch that doesn't put football on a pedestal as my favorite sport. Basketball is easily my favorite sport, with baseball a fairly close second. Not that I'm not (some good English there huh?) a huge football fan, but it pales in comparison to basketball and baseball for me anyways. Baseball starts on April 1st and I'm part of two fantasy leagues this year. The first is the ultimate of all baseball leagues. It's the #basketball edition, A#BL, which features a whopping 18 people involved. Kasher is the brains behind being the commish of this league and he gets big props from me for having a smoothly operated league. This is a keeper league in which we keep 5 players each year (mine are uberstud David Wright of the Mets, Fat Boy Prince Fielder, Billy Hall, Johan Santana, and Justin Verlander). I'm very happy with my keepers and look to improve on last year's squad that did rather well. The draft for that will be this Sunday, 3:00 PM EST, live from the hallowed grounds of mIRC. The other league? This one is our local money league. Cousin Ozzie will be the man in charge of this. We have ten as part of this league and we'll be drafting that one through Yahoo more than likely this weekend. In that one we have Ozzie, Sweet Pea, Walz, Posey, Fortdog, Matty Cakes, Jimmy Mills, Bowers, Maulberry, and myself. I won't bore everyone today with the details, I'll save that for next week's edition when I break down my teams.
7th grade kids need slapped around every now and then just to teach them a lesson. I've subbed around my area and have done just about every grade and every subject you can think of. I'm not too picky though. I'm a super laid back dude and get along with just about everyone. Go to work, handle my business, have some fun with it, roll on out. Nothing too major. Outside of doing like preschool ages, 7th grade kids aren't cool for the most part, my least favorite. 6th grade kids I like a lot. They do their thing, still seem like wee little kids, and are easy to teach. 8th graders, for the most part, they're maturing a bit (then they turn to punks again when they get to 9th only to improve at 10th) and as Borat would say, they're the king of the castle in middle school and I like teaching them. 7th grade, ugh. So today these punks weren't necessarily "bad", but they wouldn't shut up. So I had a little fun. I normally don't go nuts and scream, but I figured, why not. So I go nuts and thinking in my head it's hilarious and these kids are asking me if I've ever been in the military before. That cracked me up. Still, one of my least favorite groups. There, I said it, for those keeping track at home and wanting some teaching insight.

Speaking of kids at school. I was doing some middle school work today and I was part of the end of the day intramural thing they have once a month. Each homeroom competes in a 3-minute foul shooting contest. The kids line up around the paint and keep rotating till the time stops. For some reason, the kids eat this up and the winner has some major bragging points for that age, go figure. Anyways, through 3 minutes, this one homeroom didn't hit a single foul shot. Are you kidding me? Even if they can't ball at all, at least one of those kids can get lucky and hit one by just chucking it up, right? Wrong. It's a foul shot, not like they're dunking the ball. I didn't understand it and other teachers got a kick out of it too.
It's time to unveil some new CDs to the vast collection..

Dr. Dre: Back 'N The Day. This is a 1996 release that I never had in the collection for some reason. A lot of this isn't Dre's raps, but he produced it. Then he also mixes in some of his mid 80s work from the World Class Wrecking Cru and things of that era. It's not what you're thinking, but if you're a true Dre fan like me, you need it in the collection just to say you have this rare album.
Ghostface Killah: Hidden Darts - Special Edition. It seems like Ghostface has been all over new stuff lately. This one is a comp of a lot of past things that haven't been released or not in the mainstream yet. A lot of the Wu Tang guys are on this one, so you can't go wrong with that.
Marques Houston: Veteran. We move to some pimpin' music here. I'm not sure you can consider yourself a veteran if you're not even 30 years old yet, but we'll take MH's name for it and he makes a good case for it. His past CDs have been very good and I don't think he gets enough credit. Excellent CD here.
Mista Cane: In My Life. Now it's time for some Cali rap and Cane tells it how it is. He's got some good appearances on this one such as Snoop, The Game, and San Quinn. A throwback if you will, Cane's style brings it and he has the lyrics to go with it.
Musiq Soulchild: Luvanmusiq. Here we go with some underrated pimp music. I'm not sure why Musiq hasn't been more of a name over the years, but those that are fans of R&B definitely give this cat some respect. He's been around and gets it done, very good stuff here, check it out. In fact, for the pimp fans, both the MH and Musiq CDs here are awesome if you're wanting something to pick up.
Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week: http://www.myspace.com/CisqoBerry
Bird's Video Moment of the Week: This comes straight to us from the mean streets of Canada, from blog commenter Carolina. I'm not a country music fan, but even I gotta admit this is good. Check out the 4-year old kid getting down, good stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQPEsa5e7K0

3 Quick Thangs:
1. Since this was posted on Wednesday night, let's jump to Thursday for some birthdays. Thursday, March 22nd: Former Celtic and the answer to one of my favorite trivia questions ever, Don Chaney, he turns 61. Wolf Blitzer goes for 60, I would've guessed a lot older. Sportscaster Bob Costas (who I think is one of the best ever at doing baseball) hits 55. Actor Matthew Modine, 48. MILF Reese Witherspoon, she's 31 and gets it done for me.
2. Oh yeah, my favorite trivia question ever. I've told it before to my crew, so it won't be new to them, but I always like to ask. Who is the only player to be a teammate of BOTH Bill Russell and Larry Bird? Answer? Don Chaney.
3. Today's fun fact? People who drink coffee are less likely to commit suicide than people who don’t.
gotta love that little guy... reminds me of my grandpa... he use to play the accordion... though you gotta step it up with the dirty thug ho... speaking of love and all ain't that dirty... kinda mushie... and pamcakes???... you slipping... :-P... take care...
Hah, sorry to disappoint with the ho this week. I know, some weeks I don't get them as dirty and grimey as need be, so I'll try to get some pure filth in there soon. As usual, any help on that is always something that can be used with credit. Good comment, thanks.
Define Dirty Thug Ho? Cause as far as I know... I'm so far from it. And thanks to the person who first commented... there's a smart one. =)
PS You must be one those people who request me as a friend but got rejected huh? LOL.
You can message me back on my myspace. Seriously I'd like to hear back from you. LOL!!!
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