After fooling around with the wireless adapter, I was having problems. I'm pretty good at that stuff, but it became frustrating. My Wii was much easier to setup through my wireless hookup, but no luck with my 360. The bad part is my router and 360 are in different rooms so I went with the $100 adapter, which to me is a waste of money. Then I figured out that I'd go to town and buy a 25 foot ethernet cable and string it from two rooms. Bingo! It ended up saving me $85 once I take the adapter back. As far as GTA, it's quality stuff. I couldn't put it down on the first day and I'm sure it'll be like that for a while. I've played a ton online with Walz and the boys and the trash talk on there with the headsets is a good time for sure. I also plan to get NECKCAR (NASCAR) 09 this week for another game. The online on it is supposed to be wild. I'm not a NECKCAR at all in real life, but you can't go wrong with racing games. In an update, I picked up NECKCAR on Thursday and it's really good online after playing around with it (no homo) all afternoon.
Here's one that has always puzzled me. We all like bagels, or most of us in some fashion. I'll set it up for you. You go to the store and buy a pack of bagels. You come home and get ready to throw them in the toaster. Each bagel is halfway cut for you already. Why can't they just slice the thing in half to begin with? Doesn't mostly everyone just slice it in half anyways? And then sometimes you go to rip them in half and it's not even and blah blah. In other words, make bagels simple. It's not luxury food we're eating there.

I know most people are big fans of hot weather, but you know how I feel on that. The past week has been brutal here. I know other areas get in the 100s and all of that mess, but the humidity here is bad times. Forget this, it's not for me one bit. I'm still out there in it running everyday and all of that, but it's been miserable. 90+ in WV isn't good times, especially in early June.
I know I'm getting old when I'm going to 3 year old kids' birthday parties. That was the setting for last Saturday's action at the Posey House. On scenic Tank Hill, we did it big for Kierstn's Dora themed party. It was roasting, mid 90s in temperature and that was rough duty. Howevahhh, I did end up having a real good time up there actually. I did one of my good deeds of the week by helping Posey put together a swingset. The food was quality as usual and I didn't even mind goofing off with all the kiddies at the party. I'm still part kid myself, so no wonder. I'm not sure I could do that for like an entire day with that age, but I can handle it in doses and make a fool out of myself. Another good deed of the week was fixing the neighbors' internet a few days, so maybe I have some karma coming my way.

Here's one that bugs me. You're driving down the interstate and minding your own business. Then out of nowhere you see one of those pointless digital speed limit machines. You kidding me? That's a waste of the state's money since they serve basically zero purpose. Maybe it's different in bigger areas that have the machines that take pictures of speeders and such, but not in my bum area. I'm not a big speed demon, but one of those isn't going to scare me from going about with how I normally do on the road. If it wouldn't be a federal crime, I'd love to just take a ball bat and go nuts on one of these things. That'd be fun in and of itself just bashing it into pieces. Hey, even a guy that is usually calm most of the time still has urges to obliterate things into pieces with a ball bat. :)
Since last week, you all want an update on genius topic that Kasher has created for us. You can read the last edition that will give the breakdown better, but for now, here's a quick recap of where we stand with the Idol dirties. As I type this, we're now down to #25. From 43, this is what we have: Mandisa, Amy Adams, Fantasia, Amanda Overmyer, Vanessa Olivarez, LaKisha Jones, Melinda Doolittle, Carly Smithson, Paris Bennett, Nikki McKibbin, Gina Glocksen, Stephanie Edwards, LaToya London, Trenyce, Nadia Turner, Kimberley Locke, Vonzell Solomon, Jessica Sierra, and Mikalah Gordon. As a side note, Kasher has also put up the 5 hottest who failed to make the Finals starting at 5 and going down: Becky O'Donohue, Alaina Whitaker, Alaina Alexander, Alexis, and Antonella Barba. Out of the 25-43 so far, I'm big on Paris, Kimberley, and Mikalah.

I try not to fill my blogs with nothing but sports related items, but I have to mention the next thing. I've waited for 21 years, but finally my Celtics are back where they belong in the NBA Finals. As I'm typing this section out, Game 4 is about to go down in LA and Boston is up 2 games to 1. For those who know me, it's NBA mode for me 365 days per year. I'm a huge fan of the other sports, but NBA is what it's all about for me. I'm leery that LA gets 3 games in a row at home, but if worse comes to worse, the final two are in Boston. In related news, I was talking to Cali Jas (we'll have Arizona Jas appearing here in a few) earlier and asking her for any blog ideas. She's a sports nut, so she told me to talk about soccer (which I know nothing about) or my Celtics. She says it's important for her that Boston wins because she has a sex bet with a dude on it. I can't make these things up. Yep, these are my blog readers and buddies, always worthy of stories.
Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week: This week, we give the reigns back to none other than Arizona Jas. She's gotta be the winner of most ho selections from the readers, she does it big. Here is her new choice: http://www.myspace.com/shayyynaaa
Bird's Video Moment of the Week: Random kids getting into a weak rumble, but it's still funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-R5eaM2-kY

3 Quick Thangs:
1. The blog constituents have an apology to make. As I did the celeb birthdays last week, I left out one of the blog's biggest contributors out of action. None other than Corndog, so we'd like to send out a Happy Belated to the mean streets of Logan County! I did send the birthday shoutouts to him in Lobstah, but left them out in here. Anyways, let's try some new ones.. Friday, June 13th! We start out with actor Tim Allen, 55. Former NBA sideline chick, Hannah Storm, 46. Then we have the anorexic Olsen Twins, 22. Not much of a list today, but at least we get Corndog back in action.
2. How about a fun fact? For the Australian readers, and I have some actually, it's kangaroo time. A kangaroo can only jump if its tail is touching the ground.
3. Today's word of advice. Don't step into a pile of gum. That's common sense anyways, but I was at the mall earlier. Out of nowhere, I find out that I stepped into a big wad of gum with a pair of sandals on. Talk about hard to get off, but that's how it goes, I survived.
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