A movie everyone reading this needs to see. The 40-Year Old Virgin. I went to a midnight showing of this in Fairmont on Thursday with Cork, Abby, and Nuzum. I was literally laughing the entire time. The best movie I’ve seen in theaters all year. Granted, my favorite type of movie is a comedy, but this one is well worth your money to go see. Take my word on this one. Nothing you want to see with your parents though as it’s pretty bad, but hilarious indeed. And for the wrestling fans, Diamond Dallas Page’s wife Kimberly, former Nitro Girl, gets naked in it.
Friday was an interesting day. As everyone knows, I’m way too much of an internet freak. I woke up early that day and had to take care of some business. I get back home and sit down at my computer chair to get online around 1:00 PM after a shower. So I’m sitting here all day as usual, nothing out of the ordinary. Around 6:00 PM or so, I take an hour off to eat. Then I get right back in this chair to do absolutely nothing. 6:00 AM rolls around and I finally call it quits for the night. I barely got out of my seat except for just a few times to wizz or get some junk food. So that day, I went a stretch of being on the internet nonstop for 14 of 15 hours. And the sad part is that probably isn’t near my longest streak.

Sunday was big action for me. At 5:45, we had the A#FL Fantasy Football Draft. This is the crew from #basketball/Lobstah who know how to get it done big. We had 18 guys in the draft this year and in a football league, that means some true bums are going to be taken in setup this big. I had 16th pick of the whole deal, but it wasn’t bad since it’s a snake draft. I’ll run down my roster here for the 2 or 3 people who might even care a little about that. As usual, as everyone normally is after it’s over, I like the draft that I prepared myself for. Here we go:
QB: Marc Bulger (Rams)
Byron Leftwich (Jags)
Billy Volek (Titans)
Aaron Rodgers (Packers)
RB: Julius Jones (Cowboys)
Thomas Jones (Bears)
William Henderson (Packers)
Anthony Thomas (Cowboys)
WR: Drew Bennett (Titans)
Jerry Porter (Raiders)
Cedrick Wilson (Steelers)
Dez White (Falcons)
TE: Chris Cooley (Redskins)
K: David Akers (Eagles)
Defense: Tampa Bay

I will of course have updates on the progress of my team throughout the year. I’m the only guy in the league who has more than 2 quarterbacks, but I’ve always went that route, just to be safe. Running back is a tough spot in a deep league, but I’m happy with my first two to lead me there. And guess what, they’re brothers. One for my Bears and the other used to play for my college boys, Notre Dame. My wide receiver crew should be able to hold it down as well. I look for huge things out of Bennett this year. Chris Cooley is underrated, but he catches a lot of balls, so I think I like my chances there. Kicker and defense I feel that I’m rock solid. We’ll see how it turns out.
Yesterday was also WWE SummerSlam. Be prepared for a big paragraph here. This is one of the big four Pay Per Views of the year. The other three for those in a coma are Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, and Survivor Series. After last month’s brutal showing, WWE came back strong with this one. I really liked this show from top to bottom. There were only a couple of matches that weren’t good and even those were better than I expected. I’ll go in order here to what went down and give a fast cap. First match had Benoit becoming new US Champion from Orlando Jordan in less than a minute. I’m serious, this match was a total squash, I didn’t get it. Our second match was the brawl between Edge and Hardy. Pretty much what you’d expect as it wasn’t much of a “wrestling” match in this situation. The end had Edge kick Hardy in the head and put him out and the ref called for the bell as he was gushing blood. The next match everyone needs to see. It was worth the price of admission by itself. Rey Mysterio beat Eddie Guerrero in one of the best Ladder Matches I’ve seen in my entire life. Totally amazing stuff here, it’s that good. Then we had Angle tear Eugene a new one. The Washington DC crowd was interesting in that they cheered the heels (bad guys) most of the night. Eugene got booed out of the arena. After that, it’s Randy Orton getting revenge on The Undertaker with the help of his dad, Cowboy Bob Orton. Cena regained his WWE Title against Jericho in which the crowd was going wild during this one. Mixed reactions for both guys, it blew up. Maybe Cena’s best match so far. Hopefully he can keep improving in the ring like this or was it Jericho making him look good? Batista beat JBL to keep his World Title, blah. Nothing good here. The main event had Hogan take down HBK. Hogan bled like a pig, it was insane. As HBK was beaten, he offered a handshake to Hogan to which he accepted and the crowd respected that. Will HBK turn on him tonight? Or what’s the storyline here? Put him with HHH again please.

The only CD I got this time was The Longest Yard Soundtrack. A ton of people on this and a very good listen. Who all is on this you ask? Nelly, Lil Wayne, T.I., Murphy Lee, Akon, WC, Chamillionaire, David Banner, Trillville, D12, Eminem, and a few others. My favorites are Shorty Bounce from Lil Wayne, So Fly by Akon, and Talkin’ That Talk of Chamillionaire and Banner doing a collabo.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. Today’s celebrity birthday list is a joke, so I won’t even mention that part. I would like to give a Happy Birthday to my boy Spank who turned 25 yesterday and my girl Chrissy who has her birthday today.
2. 17 days till NFL Opening Kickoff.
3. Hey The Lexie and Britt, keep up the good work with your balloon trick. Good times there.
wow, 14-15 hours on the internet is a long time.
have you seen wedding crashers it is very funny too, i have not seen 40 year old virgin although it sounds as though i need to.
Nope Jodi, I haven't seen Wedding Crashers yet. I've only heard good things about it, seems like my kind of movie since I'm a comedy guy. Probably will wait till it's out on DVD though.
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