"can you just title it Football Season. lol because i cant stop thinking about football"
It’s time for another post in here. Where will this one end up? Who knows? I don’t have any earth-shattering stories to speak of this time, but as usual, I can’t let that stop the production of a much needed void I fill in each and every one of your lives. Well, maybe I won’t go to that extreme, but that’ll give me a good start in what I’m getting into this time around.

I realize if I talk about wrestling or video games right off the bat, I might lose some people. But what else do I really do other than live on the internet? I actually didn’t load up on any CDs this time around. Imagine that! I could recommend a certain album during each of my posts for something new, but then I thought that roughly 2% of the readers would even listen to half of the junk that I do. So I guess I’ll scratch that.
The past few nights I’ve surprised myself. In a few weeks, I’ll be having to wake up at 6:00 in the morning once again, doh! I’m not a morning person at all, but once I wake up, I’m good to go. The actual “work” part of my job is not a problem, it’s waking up early on not much sleep. Those first few weeks are always an adjustment considering all summer long I’m going to bed at that time and now I get to wake up then. I’ll be teaching while in a coma, always fun. Anyways, two nights ago I went to bed at 5:00 and last night at 4:00, that’s real good for me lately. I even woke up today at 10:45. 10:45 in the summer! I didn’t think it was possible, but I have to start gearing down a little bit anyways. It’s been a while since I remember what 10:45 in the morning looked like.

On Monday night at midnight, I was at my mall and was waiting in line with the rest of the GameStop faithful. It was Midnight Madness for Madden ’06 and I wanted my hands on it. The crowd wasn’t as big as I expected, but it was still a good time. They made us wait till 12:01 exactly until we got the copies to take home. Funny thing is that they had junk food and drinks for everyone. Most of the guys getting the game were in their mid 20s and one group was cussing because they didn’t put beer in the cooler for everybody, hah. Then one of the Rent-a-Cop guys on duty got a call on his cell phone. Picture this guy about 40 years old and out of nowhere, Back Then from Mike Jones starts popping off. That got a good reaction from the crowd and it cracked me up. Then again, I’ll be listening to that stuff too more than likely when I’m 40 too, so go figure.
As far as the game itself? I’m really liking the feel of it so far. The main additions come on the offensive side of the ball. First, we get QB Vision and that can have you lock on one receiver or have it show where the quarterback’s eyes are at. You can combine this with Precision Passing and it’s a good combo. Another thing they added is the Truck Stick. You know how on defense you have the Hit Stick? First off, I’m a HUGE fan of the Hit Stick. Just laying someone one out on a video game and messing them up is a thrill. Yes, I realize I just said that last line and I’m almost 30 years old, but so be it. Anyways, the Truck Stick works well on the goal line and other sets when you have to bowl over a defensive player. It causes a lot of fumbles though, so be careful. I started a franchise with my Bears, who are rated very low on this game (rightfully so since they’re no good in person either), so I figure I’ll have updates on that soon enough.

I know football season isn’t officially here yet, but my mouth is watering for NBA all the time. The new 2005-06 schedule came out a few days ago and I’m jacked up huge for that. NBA is basically my life and I’m very dedicated to it, especially fantasy basketball. We run a weekly league and games that each team plays per week is a huge thing to consider. So every year when the schedules come out, I’m counting away every single team in the league and how many games they play each week. Yes, I’m weird. It takes forever to do, but it usually pays off in the long run to be prepared so early for what I like to do best.
As we’re in the middle of August, that means we’re getting closer to WWE SummerSlam. What happened on RAW this week? This one was in Pittsburgh and I hate that I missed seeing it in person. The opening was nice as Eugene got booed like crazy in Kurt Angle’s hometown. Angle could do no wrong this week as the crowd ate it up. He gets a match against Eugene at the PPV. Really now? Eugene is as good as you could get to face the best worker in the WWE right now? This isn’t some bum PPV, this is SummerSlam. Oh well. I’m liking Rob Conway’s gimmick a lot so far. Mmm.. Victoria. Matt Hardy had his first WWE match since they brought him back and he beat Snitsky. Edge cut a great promo on the whole storyline, but I think some of the luster has worn off a little for their match at the PPV. The big thing of the night and it would’ve been worth getting tickets for on that alone was the showdown between HBK and Hogan. They had a debate type setting on their feud to build up their match. HBK cut some great words in this one and did the majority of the talking in this segment. HBK also plays off the Bret Hart stuff very well too. Batista, take notes on this guy, he really is an icon. He doesn’t need a script out there to talk or to be fed words. He can act on instinct. Hogan then asks HBK what he’s going to do when Hulkamania runs wild on him. King asks the same question and gets some perfect Sweet Chin Music that drops him. Good stuff. Hogan and HBK stare each other down and then Hogan boots HBK out of the ring. Nice setup.

And yes, none of my pics today have any meaning whatsoever to what I wrote about. I like to go random every now and then.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. NBA season starts on November 1st!
2. Theater movies opening tomorrow? Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, Four Brothers (I want to see this one bad), The Great Raid, and The Skeleton Key.
3. Birthdays for August 11th? Some good, some not so good. The Immortal Hulk Hogan turns 52. B-baller Craig Ehlo is 44. J-Boog of former B2K fame is 20. Dang, pretty bad day for birthdays. I searched a while too, I’m sure I’m missing a lot, but you get the point here. Maybe better luck next time.
1 comment:
Still can't believe how much you Virginians love your wrestling and your rap. You're like the father of the Balls Empire and father's are supposed to disapprove of hip hop and pro wrestling :P
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