The new season of MTV Next has started up and of course I’m hooked. Yesterday I watched 3½ hours of this stuff, some I’ve even seen before, but I’ll watch them over and over. A few quick things from some of the new ones: One guy got nexted because he didn’t like baseball. Why can’t I find a chick like that? This one chick got nexted because she had fake tits. What’s wrong with that? They’re still big. Another one had this guy get nexted because he suggested that the girl get a boob job, hah. One guy got sent packing because he forgot the girl’s name. I’m telling you, this show is addicting.
Another new MTV show is Run’s House. Yep, that same Run from Run DMC. Reverend Run is followed around with his family and what goes down. They show this on Thursday nights at 10:30. Thursday for me is pretty boring as far as TV goes, so this shouldn’t be hard to watch on a regular basis. If not, MTV will show 474 reruns per week of it. Only one episode has been aired so far, but I liked it. Then again, I’m a big fan of his anyways, so maybe that’s why.

I finally hit up a Denny’s trip for the first time in a good month or two. I went with Cork and Jimmy See Da Baby (Jimmy who works with Cork for the locals) around 12:30 or so. No big drama went down though, but we got out of the mean streets for a few hours, so it was fun. I got the combo I get the most up there. That is 2 pancakes with strawberries, an order of cheesesticks, and raspberry tea. It was worth the time just to hear Cork and Jimmy argue as they both had me cracking up good. Most of it was over music they liked and weird tattoos.
The movie I watched this week at school? It was Guess Who with Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher. Pretty funny movie here and I liked it. My kids got a kick out of it too, so I guess that’s all that matters. I haven’t seen a theater movie in a while. I’m due for one of those, but nothing great is going down with those lately that is wanting me to go for sure. Kasher of #basketball fame and also a regular poster in here under my comments started up a nice game in the hallowed grounds of Lobstah. Each week, he’ll post the theater movies and everyone taking part of the contest guesses which movie is going to gross the most money for that weekend. Then you also have to pick the total money it will earn. You can earn 2 points each week if you win both sides, 1 if you get the movie and not the money, or 0 if you pick wrong. It’s not an easy one, but fun. Kasher is a creative guy.

Only one CD this time around? What’s up with that? This one is the latest from M.O.P. and it’s called St. Marxmen. I’m not huge on this one after the first listen through. Their older stuff was a lot harder. One song is worth checking out though and that’s the tribute song to Ol’ Dirty Bastard. Unless you’re a fan of M.O.P. to begin with, you probably don’t want this one. If you’ve never heard of M.O.P., get some of their old stuff as they have some serious energy and toughness to their rhymes.
USC and Notre Dame, wow! This is one for the ages. Am I mad? Definitely. Going into the game, I didn’t expect my guys to come close. But when it gets this tight at the end and my guys lose, I’m ready to tear my room apart. My guys had USC going for it on 4th down around their 15 yard line. We double down (Double Down Trent) on a WR and he burns both of them. USC drives down to the 1 eventually. 7 seconds left and we bump the ball out of Leinart’s hands to the sidelines. They get it again on the 1 and score. USC stays undefeated. Then WVU wins today, ugh. Just shoot me now for this sports day.

3 Quick Thangs:
1. Sunday’s birthdays: “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen is 56. George of Seinfeld (Jason Alexander) goes for 46. Eric Montross, former UNC and Celtics baller is 34. That’s about it. Some other bums, but nothing spectacular.
2. Cork was out the other night and my Mom made some chocolate pudding for us. He’s never had hot pudding in his life, weird.
3. Can’t go wrong with some Bubble Tape.
Hot pudding is a new one to me too.
I heard the Chinese joint got condemned by the health dept.
- Mandingo
pancakes and cheese sticks, what a combination. Guess Who was great I loved that movie. I finally watched Next the other day at work, I watched all those ones you mentioned and some more. It was pretty funny. Some of them were crazy. Just gotta love the gay ones. Anyhow, about sports, it isnt looking too great for my Cards. Although todays game was a bunch of crap with some of the calls they made.
whats up. so freakin sorry to hear about your chinese food. thats gotta hurt. you were a loyal customer. well, ND did it big this weekend. i didn't think it was going to be that close but it was awesome. MY ASTROS!!! they are beating up on the cards. i am lovin it too. well, i will see ya around later. take care.
MAd cause WVU won??? WHAT?
Yep, I'm not a WVU football fan at all. I'm a big Notre Dame guy and in my area, if you like Notre Dame, the WVU people hate you. If you like WVU, the Notre Dame people hate you. It goes both ways. I could type out a huge reason why it's been that way with me anyways, but not enough time right now.
I do like WVU basketball though, that doesn't bother me. It's just some of the fans in football think they're the world's greatest team and they're not.
Cork. You've NEVER had hot pudding in your life?!? You've been missing out, geesh!
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