If you're not a fan of sports or wrestling, this post won't be for you I doubt. Just a warning. But you can give me a comment anyways, hah.
Not sure how I can get around the sports stuff so I won't bore everyone, but that's where I'm starting at. I won another fantasy sports title and it's my first one in a few years. Yesterday I beat TyLaw to become the 2005 A#BL NIT Champion. It's not the top tier title of that league, but something I'm proud of for sure. It literally came down to Ty's last player of the night and he didn't come through, so I get to add the win to my name. My team hit 28 homers in the final matchup (2 weeks long). They were on some serious roids. Also in that league, Cork took home the main title. So that makes it a WV sweep as we did some dominating things to that league. Good to see.
Now that October is here, that means we're just around the corner from the EDDFL getting underway. As stated before, our draft will be held on Saturday, October 29th. We still don't have a place to draft yet, but we're working on it. For the locals, Damon's is booked up the night we want it and TJ's is out of business. Should be interesting to say the least. I'll be ordering the draft board very soon.

Playoff baseball time! The Yanks clinched the AL East on Saturday, so they now face the Angels starting tomorrow night. The Angels have the homefield advantage, so that won't be easy at all. A lot of our fans are looking ahead to playing the Red Sox in the next round, but the Angels have a great shot of knocking my boys out before that. We'll see, I like my chances though of them doing good. I hope I'm right.
Football news? My Bears were off this week. At least they didn't lose. In college news, Notre Dame went to West Lafayette and laid the smack to Purdue. Wasn't even close. 28-0 at halftime? I didn't expect anything like that. Brady Quinn is putting up some sick numbers as of late. ESPN's Mike & Mike in the Morning Show was saying he's a Heisman candidate. I don't know about all of that now, but that is always nice to hear.
TNA's first show on Spike TV was Saturday night. It's on at 11:00 for those who want to watch next week. Very good show I thought and it impressed me. I hope they can continue to do well. It's in a weird timeslot though as it's no competition to the WWE right now and probably never will be. They did open the show up right by showcasing The Phenomenal AJ Styles. Styles is awesome and you need to watch him wrestle if you haven't yet. The Dudley Boyz end the show by cleaning house on Jarrett. They called out the WWE, but for some reason, Spike didn't show that on TV. Give the Dudleyz the mic and they'll be great here, especially if they ever turn them heel.

Tonight is the big thing I've been waiting on for a while though. WWE Homecoming. You've been sick of hearing about it in this space I'm sure. But it's a 3-hour extravaganza. For the people in the US, flip your TV to the USA Network at 8:00 to watch what will hopefully be a can't miss show.
Just one new CD this time around. This is the latest from Bizzy Bone and it's titled Speaking in Tongues. I haven't listened to any of this yet, so I can't give an opinion. But if it's anything like Bone Brothers, featuring Bizzy and Layzie earlier this year, it should be high quality. We'll see.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. I just got done eating a few Kool-Aid Gels jello packs. These things are delicious.
2. For whatever it's worth, right now I'm wearing a red and tan flannel t-shirt, khakis, brown slip on shoes, and Mexican boxers with Santa all over them that says Feliz Navidad everywhere. I figure I can bust Santa out in October and not feel weird about it.
3. Homecoming Week here at the school I'm at. Today is 80s Day. I feel old when a lot of these kids weren't even around during the prime days of the original Nintendo.
tonight is the night!! your right. the astros clinched the wild card too. YAY only you can wear christmas boxers in october. your awesome. and the fact that they are in SPANISH make it SO much better. well, i enjoyed this blog. Notre Dame is doing it BIG this year. take care up there. peace out k-town
yeah i think this post seaon is goiong to be interesting hopefully my cards play good like they have this season.
Good to see that someone else likes Hilary Duff also. I'm not the only one. :-)
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