Hey to everyone out there reading along. Things are going great here as I always try to be in a good mood. I'll have enough topics for everyone to find something they might enjoy in there. Or so I hope anyways. Let's get things underway with movie talk:
Last week's movie was King Kong. There were 2 copies left at the video store I go to when I got there on Thursday after work. There were probably 30-40 total copies, so I timed it right. Me and the kids I have in class absolutely loved it. It's 3 hours long, but don't let that scare you away. One of the better movies I've seen in quite some time. Jack Black in a serious role? I know, you wouldn't think he could pull it off, but he does great. Maybe you will feel differently. Cork said it was way too long and boring for him. If you've seen it, let us know what you thought. Also, what should I rent this week?
I'm probably not talking to many out there, but just in case you're a big workout person, this paragraph is for you. I've never been a big supplement guy, but I'm on something new that is awesome. It's called No-Xplode. You've seen the commercials advertised by Ronnie Coleman and Triple H. It's a pre-workout mix that has Nitric Oxide and Creatine in it, with zero sugar. Most creatine mixes have tons of sugar, so that's one selling point. You take it 30 minutes before you workout on an empty stomach, and I'm telling ya, you get an insane energy rush and a pump going before you're even in the gym. Veins popping out and you're shaking by the time you're done, I highly recommend it. On a personal note, I set a new bench press mark for me. I put up 255 and weigh 160. I don't toot my horn much, but that's a good lift for a little guy. My goal I set a long time ago was to one day get 100 pounds more than my weight up. I'm close, but it won't be easy. Anyways, check out the No-Explode information here: http://www.bsnonline.net/store/noxplode.php.

For the MySpace fans out there, I've switched up my background and a few other little things. It's nothing major like some sites are, but it's something different. I know there's nothing else to do around here, but MySpace and sites like that are addicting. You can look at bums you don't even know and then you look up at the clock and it's an hour later. If you're on there and I don't have you on my list, feel free to add me. My site is: http://www.myspace.com/drudown894.
Baseball season opens tonight and I'm pumped up. I hope to hit up quite a bit of games over the summer and try some new stadiums out. Me and Cork already loaded up on tickets at the end of the month. Saturday, April 29th, we're going to Cleveland to watch the Rangers battle the Indians. It's Grady Sizemore Bobblehead Night and Jacobs Field is an awesome place. It's already almost sold out, so we had to get out tickets early. Bobblehead Nights anywhere are madness. It's fun times to watch people get in near fights over these figures so they can run home and put them on eBay and make money.
Speaking of baseball, we'll get some Billy Ripken action up for The_Freak. We were talking about this yesterday. The baseball card collectors will remember this one for sure and it's one of my favorites. Yep, the 1989 Fleer error. Following is a picture of it too if you've never seen. One of his teammates played a joke on him and wrote "FUCK FACE" on the bat's handle. He didn't know and when he went to take his Fleer photo that year, it showed up on the pic. It started selling like hotcakes. The company and editors didn't notice when they produced it either. I remember my Uncle Butch blew that card up to poster size and it was hanging in his store.

One CD to mention since the last post and it's a good one. T.I.'s King. I think this one is a lot better than his last CD. Still not the quality of his first few. UGK, Jamie Foxx, Young Jeezy, Pharrell, Common, Young Buck, T-Pain, and Mike Jones just to name a few on this beast. He also rips into 50 if you're into that type of thing. He gives big respect to Young Buck and even has him on a song, but he's not a 50 fan. My favorites on this thing are What You Know (released now), Live In The Sky, and Bankhead.
WrestleMania is tonight, so I guess I'll talk about that in my next post. Last night was the WWE Hall of Fame Induction and I thought it came across as a fun show. If you didn't cry during the Eddie Guerrero stuff, something is wrong with you. Some touching stuff. Also, I read that the crowd was chanting for Triple H earlier in the show and Cena even got a "Fuck You Cena!.." chant directed his way. The crowd was hot and it was quality. They chanted for Austin and Hogan to fight. Austin kept trying to dodge it by talking over it, but eventually took a jab at Hogan. The Hart stuff was short and I read they edited a lot of that off TV, but he's still a legend. It's always great seeing the old legends in the crowd too. Flair was having a great time, cracking up at everything.

3 Quick Thangs:
1. The Heat/Cavs game yesterday was unbelievable. LeBron with a nutty triple double of 47pts/12rebs/10asts. Wade countered with 44pts/9asts/8rebs. That's two of the best going at it in one of the better one-on-one matchups in years.
2. 2 more weeks and I finally get Spring Break. It's getting here I have to keep telling myself. A late one this year.
3. Right now for the pimp spray, I'm going with Axe Essence.
Tits and beer. Great way to attract readers, for sure.
King Kong. Saw it when it came out at the theaters. Place was packed! Packed, I tell you.
Overall, I thought that it was average. The special effects were phenomenal, but Peter Jackson could have shortened the whole scene with the island natives and the giant insects; he could have shortened the parts with the dinosaurs and cut out some of the parts in New York City.
Basically take off an hour's worth of the movie, and he still would have been able to tell the whole story, only in a more reasonable 2 hours. I'd give King Kong a 6 on 10, personally. Not much in the area of plot and dialogue, both were weak.
Yo, I just got done writing up my ABL preview for this year, the 4th year in a row that I get out one of these. My rankings go as follows this year:
1. Me
2. Duce
3. Neon
4. Cork
5. Dack
6. Kris
7. Tylaw
8. Arlo
9. Dingo
10. Tmac
11. D-Hood
12. You
13. Bono
14. Blah
15. Walz
16. Wilbur
17. Wilbur's kid
18. Dom
I might completely mess up, but I like those standings like that.
Oh, and I just got done talking to Cork on AIM; he told me that he's heading to your place to watch Wrestlemania. Not bad, Cork, always interested in watching free pay-per-views huh? Heh heh.
Indians-White Sox tonight! Cee Cee Sabathiaaaaaaaaaa!
I think even rarer than the "fuck face" card are the censored versions...whited-out, blacked-out, and scribbled-out. Pretty sure I don't have any of them, but they might turn up in my boxes somewhere. You still into cards at all? I've been buying some lately, althought it's not really the same as it used to be...too much money, too many different sets and all.
Also, it's pretty bad when I have to ask you something about computers, haha, but how do you change up your myspace backgrounds? every time I try it never comes out right. Let me know.
That was me again, BTW. Haha.
Dang. Triple-post.
Nice posts Kasher and ManDingo. Dingo, I don't collect anymore. If a show is around, I still go out to collect Mattingly cards, but that's it. I have a huge collection though.. Also, here's the site I use to change MySpace backgrounds and anything with that. It's pretty easy if I can do it:
That picture of the black dude flexing his muscles ... looks like Mike James from the Raptors on steroids.
Yep Kasher, it didn't get any better than that. I'm still like that on the weekends and this summer should be an all out stay up all night bash. I still stand by my claim that nobody wants a piece of me in a staying up contest. Cork and Derek is the only guys of the #basketball crew who would even step up. Me and Cork argue that one a lot. Kasher could put up a blog just on his comments for this post, good stuff.
Dirty, youre so sexxxy!! =)
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