I was due for some new iPod headphone buds. My old ones were about shot. I buy a pair of those JVC marshmallow buds that I've been a fan of. They're only $20. That's not the story though. The story is what it is packaged in. These people who package things must want you to think that gold is inside. I practically need a knife to open these things. And how about DVDs? It's like you need to be the world's strongest man to open half of those. What's the point? I don't need a workout when I open something new that I buy. It's a $20 piece of junk, make it simple to open for us people who don't carry around deer knives with them 24/7. Is that too much to ask for?
Once again we have several movies to review. The first I had been intrigued by when I've been seeing previews on TV. The weird thing is that it's not even out in theaters till this week, but I've already been able to see, good times. That movie would be Taken. It doesn't seem like the type of movie I'd normally check out since it has that thriller aspect to it. It's not a scary movie so to speak, it's definitely more action. It stars Liam Neeson, who I honestly didn't know anything about, but apparently he's been in some pretty big films. The lead chick is Maggie Grace, another I don't have a clue about. Nothing amazing, but not half bad, and much better with dark hair than blonde. The lead character reminds me of a mix between MacGyver (I guess I'm dating myself on that one) and Jason Bourne. It's predictable, but the action and storyline involved are pretty good. Also, after I was on the fence with watching this one, Arizona Jas sealed it. She had already seen it too and along with dropping some f-bombs in her review, that sold it for me. I was saying that the movie critics need to start cussing in their reviews some. You know that'd sell you if nothing else, just for a laugh. For my ranking, we'll go with 6.9 stolen girls taken hostage out of 10.

The crowd is demanding another movie review. I guess when the demands come, I have to get on my A-game and get with it. This one is another recommendation. I'm a huge Adam Sandler guy, but never got around to seeing You Don't Mess With The Zohan. Shawna sent this as a recommendation and she knows I'm always down to watch the pointless comedies with not much plot. Those are my movies for sure. I was wanting the old Sandler back, not serious Sandler and we got him in this one. If you like his old stuff, you should be a fan of this one too. This movie is hilarious. Michael Buffer being one of the villains, that sort of cracked me up. Scrappy Coco! For those who have already seen this one over the summer, you'll know what I mean there, that name had me laughing, guess it's just me. Shawna also wants the chicks to know that she was impressed that Sandler was somewhat built in this movie. Seems weird to picture him as someone that works out, but who knows, just throwing her note in there. I'm going to give this one 7.1 swift kicks to the face with a fake accent out of 10.
Everyone and their brother is on MySpace and Facebook. Granted, I am too and get hooked like the rest of you. Something that bugs me, and as I usually say, I can't be the only one, deals with requests sent. No, I don't want to adopt a virtual pet on there. No, I don't want to have some funny card or stupid joke sent to me. No, I don't want to save the world with the earth tokens. Please save yourself the time people. I'm sure 80% of the ones who receive this garbage could care less, if not more. If you're into that type of thing, more power to you, but it's not my cup of tea. It doesn't make me too mad, but it's just a hassle when you constantly get that junk. The same goes for the fake porn style chicks who send you friend requests. The cycle never ends, yet we're all still on there 24/7 as we spend hours looking at bums, their pics, and what they've been up to.

This was a few weeks ago during the Monopoly Weekend. I could've slipped it in at that time, but I had enough topics going that time around. I was driving up Bridgeport Hill for the locals that know the area. Ozzie and Maria were riding along. That night it was probably 20 degrees tops if we were lucky. Wind was whipping and it was snowy, nothing you wanted to be outside hanging out in. Goody's in my area (maybe nationwide, I dunno) is going out of business. On the side of the highway in the freezing cold, Goody's had the bad nature to send one of their workers outside with a sign. First off, this was about a mile from where the store actually is, but he was out where all the cars pull into this area. This guy is out there in 10 layers of clothes and holding this sign for people to go shop at Goody's. Oh my! We better get our lowly worker out there to hold this sign since we're going out of business, the world is ending! If that guy didn't get paid at least double what he made an hour inside the store, then that's dirty. Forget that. Goody's, due to that, you get this week's Finger of Shame. I mean, who does that to their workers? The big chief doesn't know what hard work is and he's sending someone out there making probably less than $7 an hour to hold a sign, looking like a homeless person begging for food.
Saturday was big birthday action high atop scenic Tank Hill in Shinnston. No, it wasn't mine, that was earlier in the month ,even though there was no party. This one was for Lil Posey who turned 2. The house was jammed packed with 30+ people I'm guessing and Kaiden was having a good time. I had pressure on me since Scherri always says I usually do it up big with coming up with some good birthday presents for the kiddies. I'm not ready for my own by any means (scary thought and my buddies would agree), but I might as well hook up the kids of my buddies, why not. I ended up getting a dinosaur toy set, a big ambulance that made sounds to drive Posey crazy, and police car that also made noise. As an added bonus, usually when we're up there hanging, Scherri's and her side of the family doesn't mess around one bit with the good eats. Still, as some random info for you to soak in, the best wedding food I've been part of was when Posey and Scherri did their thing, no comparison at all. So much stuff to eat on Saturday though, but my favorite being the homemade Lil Smokies in sauce, it doesn't get much better.

Since the Lil Smokies have me hungry as I type this, it's time to talk about a few things you should munch on. I'll give you two things to pick up this week at the store. The first would be Eggo Bake Shop Swirlz, preferably strawberry. If you're a fan of Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, you'll be in god shape with these. These are also a bit easier than Toaster Strudel and I know a lot reading want to go the lazy route. The icing is already inside these things when you throw them in the toaster, so that saves time. Once they're ready to eat, you don't have to do anything with icing, it's done for you, simple as that. Our second thing, we'll hit up will be granola bars. After playing ball each Sunday, I've been picking up a big 32 ounce Renegade (Sheetz's version of Gatorade that is pretty good) and a few granola bars to hold me off till dinner a few hours later. I've been hitting up Nature Valley's strawberry yogurt bars, they're quality. You wouldn't think of a granola bar being that special, but this is a good one to pick up if you're on the road.
It's time for a short break to hear what some of my buddies have been up to. First, we get Corndog giving us his words of wisdom on his recent food excursion:
Corndog: I got some bad news to report
Me: Uh oh, whatcha got?
Corndog: $4.22 worth of baloney was left out on the counter this morning after i made my lunch
Me: Doh.. big bummer right there.
Corndog: and another thing.....
Corndog: Campbells Chunky Soup says to heat the Rigatoni and Meatballs for 3 - 4 minutes in the microwave
Corndog: i put it for 3 minutes and it blew up
Corndog: a noodle and a meatball actually escaped the bowl in the process
Me: Hah!! Rough food day out there.
Corndog: and in case youre wondering....yes i put it back in the bowl
Bird33: Gotta get your money's worth.
Corndog: i believe in equal rights

And now we move along to Kasher and DerekHood's thoughts on American Idol, uncensored:
"Alright. What's really bothering me lately are the people who make it to Hollywood, but who come out of the audition room with a "pretend sad" look on their face to try and fool their family/friends outside. But really they're hiding their orange paper behind their back or inside their hat or whatever, and then pull the paper out after they walk out just to get a reaction. Fucking stop it. Just stop."- Kasher
"One thing that's bothered me, much moreso than the fake sadness thing that Kash mentioned, is the pansy motherfuckers whining and crying about how this is their dream and pretty please give them another chance and they'll outwork everybody and their children are there and their mothers are dying and kittens will be murdered by the millions if they don't get to go to Hollywood ... and then the judges pass them through. What the fuck? When did this turn into America's Got Talent?"- DerekHood
Bird's Dirty Thug Ho of the Week: Arizona Jas takes her seat in this section once again. The girl she's sending along has a whopping 324 pics. 324? Jodine, she has nothing on you though, hah. A good mix of pics, so we'll consider this girl from New Jersey, worthy for the blog's sake. I do gotta give her credit for decent music on the page and the Obama theme. http://www.myspace.com/she3baby
Bird's Video Moment of the Week: Here we go with a video I was sent, but the person who sent doesn't want credit. Ok, either way is cool with me. Here is a New York Giants fan turning into a little baby once his team was out of the playoffs to the Eagles. Not safe to listen to at work, or at least not with speakers cranked. This guy is a mess, but you know you'll laugh just like I did:

3 Quick Thangs:
1. Since we already have the birthday feel in the air for this blog, why not try Thursday, January 29th. Actor Tom Selleck starts things off with celebrating his 64th. Wrestling legend, Jerry "The King" Lawler, he hits the big 6-0. Oprah goes for 55. Actor Nicholas Turturro of old NYPD Blue fame, I don't consider him much of a huge celeb, but maybe he is, 47. Former Bills wideout great Andre Reed, Spank and Matty Cakes will be thrilled for this one, 45. He was in the September Buffalo blog for whatever that's worth. Actress hottie Gabrielle Union, 37. Actor Jude Law, also 37.
2. It's Tuesday afternoon as I type this part. I may have set a personal record. For 8 of the past 9 days, I haven't had a piece of candy. I'm not sure what has gotten into me, but something new to try. I used last Saturday as my "cheat day" as I tore up a piece of Kaiden's birthday cake and then had a few Cadbury eggs later that day as well as some Sour Patch Kids. Yum. I may try this for a bit to see how it goes.
3. I should have a decent blog in the making for next week. A lot of topics so far will include Friday night's Toughman Contest, another trip to Posey's on Saturday for UFC 94 as we get St. Pierre versus Penn, and Sunday is of course the Super Bowl. Other things will pop up as well, so stay tuned or give some suggestions, I'm always open to ramble about whatever.
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