The past few days I’ve been back in the high schools, which is a relief. I don’t mind middle school that bad, but when I compare it to teaching high school, there’s no comparison. In middle school, you have to keep your eye on the kids at all times and can’t just hang out and be a bum. In high school, they’re way more laid back and they do their own thing. They mind their business and aren’t acting like little punks. I need time during work to do fantasy basketball stats, so that gets priority in the high school setting.
On Friday morning, I hit up the annual NBA trip. I’m going to Philly to see Antoine Walker come to town. I’m jacked up big time about that since he’s my favorite NBA player. Then as part of that trip, we have to load up big at Geno’s for some cheesesteaks. After the game, we’re rolling to Atlantic City and staying overnight. I could do with or without the Atlantic City part of things, but the rest of the crew is pumped for this more than the NBA game. People better respect NBA or get busted up. I doubt I spend much in Atlantic City. I’m just curious to see the sights and anything else that goes down rather than gambling. For the locals, I’m going with Ozzie, Mudcat, Clay, and Rob. I’m looking forward to sports trivia all the way up and back. I’ll be ready for that as usual of course. You can’t go wrong with road trips. I don’t see it happening during this trip, but I wouldn’t mind hitting up a real tittie bar in Atlantic City. Around here it’s garbage and I’m honestly not big into them. Maybe I’m weird, who knows. Here you have crackhead rednecks dancing, so it’s not worth the time and that’s probably why I’m not big into it on the small town scene. Give me some rap video quality chicks, BET UnCut style out there doing their thing.
Uh oh, we have another perfect prediction! This one wasn’t as hard to predict since we only had 5 matches, but nonetheless, I picked all of the Royal Rumble matches correctly. A rundown of what I thought about the show: The first hour or so was pretty weak with the exception of HBK vs. Edge that opened up the night. Undertaker and Heidenreich was a SLOW match, but nothing unexpected. Kane appeared out of the casket when it was first opened and Snitsky had already been there. It looks like we’ll have Kane and Undertaker facing off against Snitsky and Heidenreich at WrestleMania possibly. Vince is in love with JBL. He did it again, this time beating Kurt Angle and Big Show to keep his belt. Now at No Mercy, they’re having a Barbed Wire Cage Match between JBL and Show. Hmm.. just seems weird to me to have two guys who have never done that type of match or better yet a company who has never tried that match. I say it’s rigged to where it’s not real barbed wire or something stupid like that. Check out Terry Funk taking on Sabu at ECW Born To Be Wired 1997 in one of my favorite Barbed Wire Matches of all time. Sabu actually rips his bicep open during this match, his manager runs to the back and gets him some tape. Sabu tapes it up and keeps wrestling, no joke. Sabu also puts super glue on his cuts. He’s a mess in person, but can put on a show. Triple H ended up beating Orton for the World Title as well. The Rumble itself I could talk forever on, but I won’t. I was very impressed with the bump Paul London took while Snitsky eliminated him. Also, Daniel Puder took one of the worst beatings I’ve seen. I’d guess he took a good 100 chops, it was brutal. Batista ends up winning for those in a coma.

A few things on RAW worth mentioning. Benoit and Jericho went to a Double DQ in their Tag Title Match with La Resistance. This got them heated backstage, Jericho and Benoit that is. Next week RAW is in Japan, so Jericho faces Benoit. Those fans over there will eat it up. They respect the sport of wrestling like no other and these guys were huge in Japan in their days over there. You need to find a copy of Super J Cup 1994 and watch it for a tourney featuring the world’s best cruiserweights at that time. Benoit ends up winning that classic. They did things then that is revolutionary for present purposes. Is it too early to say that the Muhammad Hassan character is not getting over? We had a Tag Match with Triple H and Flair teaming up against HBK and Orton. Orton is selling this concussion thing which is kind of funny and he ends up pinning HHH. Kane and Snitsky go at it next with our main event. Yes, you read that right, these guys in a main event. This one was a Cage Match. Snitsky rips the cage door off, but eventually gets a Chokeslam on it to lose. That was innovative, but the rest of the match was rough except for Trish coming down falling out of her top as usual. Hey JR, tell us how the end of the Cage Match went:
Snitsky just tore the door off the damn cage! Snitsky tore the door off the cage! Snitsky wants to maim The Big Red Machine! Oh God! Kane just kicked that door right back into Snitsky’s face. That’s a hell of a question. What is Kane doing? What is Kane doing here? Oh no! Oh for the love of.. Oh! Snitsky has been neutered! And now Kane, measuring Snitsky! Kane! Chokeslam right on the cage door! Chokeslam right on the cage door! That’s the 3 count! And The Big Red Machine has won! The Big Red Machine, man-on-man, that’s an ugly bowling shoe like victory, but a victory nonetheless. But what about next week? What a night it’s going to be next week from Japan ladies and gentlemen! The Big Red Machine is victorious tonight! It’s been a great night! And that’s it from San Jose! We’ll see you next week from the first RAW in history from Japan! Goodnight everybody!

Real World isn’t getting much respect this week by me. Easily the worst season EVAR. This week what happened? Vonda’s man finds out she got some off Landon and that relationship is over. Who cares. Also, Karamo hooks up with Big Ed, this Puerto Rican dude who looks white. This cracks the house up since Karamo is against interracial couples, yet he’s in one now. I could’ve went without him being all over this dude though. Next week has potential. Mel (maybe the character I least like) breaks down and wants to come home after the roomies tell her straight out that they hate her, hah. That’s tellin’ em.
Yet another huge CD update. In the past few days, I loaded up for your pleasure once again. I have seven more CDs to mention in this infamous space. And away we go with another recap of what is new to the collection since Sunday:

Big Syke: Be Yo Self. This is one of 2Pac’s old boys and he was on several 2Pac songs. His voice is unique and you’ve definitely heard him before, just didn’t know who he was more than likely. Nice album for Big Syke Daddy.
Do Or Die: D.O.D. Finally! This one took forever to come out it seems like. It’s weird how they had a video for this album out months ago, yet never came out with the tracks. You can’t go wrong with Do Or Die stuff at all. These guys get it done and are probably in my Top 5 of all time. Seriously now, if you haven’t listened to Do Or Die stuff before, you better get with it.
Lil Italy: Top Of The World. This is one of Master P’s dudes, but I haven’t listened to it yet. Cork says it is pretty good, so we’ll see. I like the name though.
ONYX: All We Got Iz Us. When you need some good screaming hardcore rap, ONYX are your guys. This one is 10 years old, but still sounds good when you pop it in today.
Willie D: Relentless. Willie D is part of the trio of the Geto Boys alongside Scarface and Bushwick Bill. Willie D is pretty mean and it’s a nice listen.
Yukmouth: Godzilla. Yep, some good Bay Area rap. That’s quality times and Dru Down even makes an appearance on the track titled Pimp Da Bitch. That’s even better than Nate Dogg making it on your song. Speaking of Dru Down, my prayers are answered. Thanks to Dom (http://dominik1985.blogspot.com/) to letting me know that he has inked a deal with Rap-A-Lot Records and will have a new album called Son Of Bootsy. Dru Down is right there with Dre when it comes to my favorite rappers of all time.
Z-Ro: Thugged Nigga. I haven’t listened to this one yet, but from the other Z-Ro stuff I have, I’m sure it’ll deliver.
Until next time.. out.
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