We got some ball playing in on Sunday night. Thursday is our normal night, but if the guys around town are willing to play more, I'm always interested. Bad thing is that with a lot of guys in town, you can't count on them to play on a regular basis. They just want to lay around and be bums. I do enough of that anyways. Well, Sunday we had 15 guys playing. I was the oldest guy and that I got a kick out of. The gym got doubled booked so we had the 20-somethings and then a group of high school kids. I know all of these guys, but when I'm out there playing and they still call me Mr. B, that cracks me up good. Not that I'm claiming to be an awesome player and tooting my own horn, but I like the fact that I'm still one of the fastest guys on the court and can burn by these kids and they expect me not to be able to play. Give me some run and gun ball any day of the week. 3 guys bled that night (me being one) and another dude had to go to the hospital because he came down on his ankle and heard it crunching. We're hardcore.
Then it was time for a Denny's trip. Cork asked during ball if I was interested and I figured I didn't have anything else going on. Then I get online after ball and he sends me this message of how we HAVE to go to Denny's. Hmm.. I was wondering if something big was going down with his reaction. I asked him why he was so pumped. He said we had to go and celebrate MLK Day, hah. I said that was a good enough reason to get me out of the house, so away we went around 2:30 in the morning. One of the deadest nights in quite some time as there was basically nobody there. On the way, we listened to a new Paul Wall mixtape. It was so bad since most of it was Chopped and Screwed that Cork literally threw the CD out in the parking lot. Good riddance and I'm a Paul Wall fan. Just not a good CD for this one.

How'd wrestling go this week? RAW stacked their card. They opened the show by having HBK and Angle go at it. Daivari accidentally caused Angle to lose this good match and then Angle tore him a new one after that. Angle turning face? He said at New Year's Revolution that no matter how bad he went off on the crowd or what he said, they still cheer him since he's such a good wrestler. And during his match that night, they did just that. Weird how things work. Later in the show, the main event was Flair and Edge in a Tables, Ladders, And Chairs Match. Flair in a TLC Match? Yep and it wasn't bad. Flair got rocked once when Edge dove off the top to the outside through a table. Edge also took a great bump off the top of the ladder to the outside through a table. Flair's hair was soaked in blood of course, good stuff. Edge gets the win as Flair's hot daughter was sitting ringside screaming.
I'm really slacking on the CDs the past week or two. I'll get back into it, trust me. The only one I got recently is a new one from Juvenile's boys UTP. I haven't listened to much to give an opinion though, but with Juve being involved, I expect big things. Or it is thangs? That leads us into the usual quick finish..

3 Quick Thangs:
1. How is it that everytime we wash our cars, the next day it gets filthy with rain or something? Especially if I work extra hard on getting it crazy clean. Oh well.
2. I must've been bored, but last night I was watching Jimmy Neutron on Nickelodeon and it's not too shabby. Jimmy Timmy 2. Yeah, I admit to checking out cartoons every now and then. I'll never grow up. You know you're all still into them. Cartoon Network even markets to the younger adults with a lot of their shows.
3. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe.
hey you!! it had been a while since a new blog, but you made up for it. this was a good one. first of all. samoa joe...WHAT THE HECK! there ain't nothing wrong with denny's at 230 i go to walmart at that time. lol. hope you enjoy your 3 days. catch ya soon.
oops...what did you do to yourself that you bled Mr. B?? you have to be taking care of yourself.
West Virginians are weird people.
why would you say that kash??
They go to Denny's and/or Wal-Mart at 2:30 in the morning.
i do that too kash, so does that make me a wierd TEXAN??
Hey I'm going to start calling you bubba from now on so get used to it ok!! lol....Well whats going on? I need your help with a problem when ever you get a chance! Well I guess I shall be going. Byez.
Yvonne, yes.
Hey this is Jessica!! Stephanie's cousin. Whats up? Well g2g byez
hi jessica! :-)
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