I talk a lot about West Virginia getting no respect nationally. Then the big mining story hits the air. I'm about 45 minutes or so from where this happened at. I go to bed last night around 12:30 and they report that 12 of the 13 miners that were trapped were alive. Good ending to that story. Or is it? After partying and ringing bells at the church th ere, a few hours later, come to find out, only 1 of those 13 were alive, the rest were dead. Now people are in an outroar against the coal company for giving false reports and it makes our state look even worse. The dude that survived is 27 and hopefully they're able to get him back from critical condition and we might know a little more. Not good times. My Dad is a retired miner. You couldn't pay me enough money to do that job.
How'd the New Year's Eve party go? I had some fun and we had a big turnout. There were 15-20 of us at Fortney's and I left around 3:30 and went to bed at 7:00 AM that night (or morning). It didn't get rowdy drunk, so I was fine with that. I'm glad I didn't have to play babysitter to anyone, that's not my thing at all. My favorite part of the night was getting the sports chat and arguments going with Mudcat, Fortney, and Ozzie as we watched the football games. We also had some great board game DVD style action going down that was competitive. We tried a music game and a TV one and it made for good trash talking. Count me in for board game nights, we don't get enough of those. On the dropping the ball deal, I didn't get to see the BET stuff for the first time in quite a while. Dick Clark was rough to see though, dude is in bad shape. That'll get a tear in your eye for those who saw, but he still looks like he's 30 years old.

I finally got around to watching Friday Night Lights over break. One of my kids let me borrow it and I've always heard that it was worth watching. I liked this one a lot. Having not read the book, I didn't know what to expect and the ending surprised me. It came off good I thought though. If you guys have any other movie suggestions, either for work or home, I'm all ears.
Rough football times the past few days for my teams. First, my Bears end the season with a big loss to the Vikings, but it doesn't mean too much. They still have a bye in the NFC Playoffs and hopefully they can make a little run. On the college side of things, that's where the bad times are. My Irish lost yet another bowl game, this time to Ohio State. I had no idea how fast this OSU team was and it showed in the Fiesta Bowl. They had 4 touchdowns that were 55 yards or more. That stuff only happens in video games. And to make matters worse, WVU beat Georgia in the Sugar Bowl, so I'll have to hear that forever. I won't hate though, I'll just keep my mouth shut and give them a congrats for winning.

The new season of American Idol starts up in a few weeks. I saw some of this last year, but wouldn't consider myself a fan. I might give it a chance this time around if I don't have anything else going on. At least it could be fun to watch the bums in the first few episodes fall on their face and make fools of theirselves.
How was RAW this week? Vince keeps saying he'll make HBK's life rough and wants him to suffer. He starts him off with a match against Kane and he can't use Sweet Chin Music. Kane ends up winning and then Vince says that HBK has to come out first during Sunday's Elimination Chamber at New Year's Revolution. I'm liking the Gregory Helms and Jerry Lawler stuff, could get interesting. Torrie, Candice Michelle, Victoria, Maria, and Ashley in a Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match at the PPV? That can't be bad to look at. Edge's skit on Flair's road rage attack was done pretty well I thought. The main event had Angle beating Cena in a First Blood Match. Cena was gushing some serious blood. Then everyone in the Elimination Chamber came out to rumble. At show's end, all six men were laying in a coma.

3 Quick Thangs:
1. On the T-Pain CD that I got last time, the title was Rappa Ternt Sanga. Since I have no common sense, DerekHood studied it and said it means Rapper Turned Singer. And he's right, good call. Also, get this CD if you're into pimpin', it's really good.
2. Maybe I'm not up on the chicks fashion, but I'm liking these boy cut panties or whatever they're being called. Well, not on me obviously, but you know. It adds a little gangsta feel to make it look like something is back there.
3. USC and Texas tonight. I'm way off on my bowl predictions this year, but I might as well toss out one for the National Championship. I have USC winning, 44-12. I'll probably be wrong, but I don't think Texas wants any.
What?!? No mention of Laura Quinn?
well, it seems to me that you enjoyed your break. i know i did. new years was fun, so was yours i bet. ROSE BOWL BABY!!! i think UT has a chance. why you gotta hate ED! QUIT SIPPIN ON THE HATERADE!!! you know those boy shorts are nice. as well as the....well nevermind on that one...hope your first day back was good. sad to hear about the miners. THIS MIGHT SOUND DUMB, BUT WHAT IS MINER?? take care.
Kasher, Quinn got enough mention during that game to last her lifetime. She's just riding the gravy train since she knows Hawk is going to make gazillions in the NFL, but that's smart..
Yvonne, coal miners. That's WV's big industry. Not like it was years ago, but it's pretty big around here. Coal is always in demand, so they mine it out of our areas for power plants, heating, etc. There's a ton of different jobs in a coal mine, but I won't bore ya with that. I just know I don't want any part of it. My Dad gets my respect for doing that job most of his life. Big money, but no way for me.
isn't laura quinn the sister of the Notre Dame QB brady quinn and the girlfriend of that Ohio State LB guy hawk??
That is very sad about the minors. Friday Night Lights was a great movie. Also, I watched Bringing Down the House the other night at work, and it was a pretty good movie, it was funny.
Yep, you're right, Yvonne. That's her.
"texas doesn't want any"
Yep, I'll eat my words there. I thought USC would roll big time. So I have to give ya credit on that. Great game to watch.
That wasn't very nice, Yvonne. :-(
KASH, ed knows i'm just joking with him. i told him that yesterday. i wouldn't want to ever be mean to him. Its just cause i am from Texas, thats all. Sorry Ed!! i won't be mean no more. hey HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! hope your day goes good. talk to ya later.
Okay okay...
Hey whats up? I'm just going to call you bubba from now on since your just like and act like my bubba. Well hows are things? I like the picture of the dog just to let you know. Garrett and I are still good so yeah. School is going ok bue this one teacher hates me and he is kinda dropping hints that he does to. He stares at me with this evil stare just because I wanted out of his class because its boring. Its health class!!!! It sucks big time!!! I wish I could get the other teacher that taught health but the principal will not let me change teachers!!!! It made me want to cuss him out but I didn't. If I did then I wouldn't be able to go to school for like a week. Why do they do that because its like a miny vaction to us anyways. I think its stupid!!! Well I need to go. I luv u byez!!
I love Garrett
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