In a funny thing, I was talking to my ex-chick yesterday. We're still buddies for those keeping track at home after all of these years. Anyways, she's with this dude now whose brother was Len Bias' roommate. Yep, that Len Bias of Maryland fame who got all cracked up on coke leading up to the Celtics drafting him in 1986 and died. It's weird that I can remember where I was at when Bias died. I was at a basketball camp at the school I teach at now (feel the irony) when I was 7 years old. My uncle had the radio on in the car on the way out of the parking lot and that's when we heard the news. But to tie the story together, we just joked that she attracts Celtics fans. There's few of us out there, especially in West Virginia, but there's your little side story of the day. That's an easy way to get in some Celts chat.
I got one of those AbLounge 2's over Christmas and it's worth getting if you want my opinion. It doesn't put any stress on your back and I love that. When it comes to working out, abs is one thing I hate to slack on, so I try to never have a bad ab workout. I've had good abs for a while (not like I'm some roid freak wrestler or anything), but I've noticed some nice results already with this thing. Fear the washboard.
I know everyone and their brother is part of the MySpace craze. I have an account and fool around with it some. I add the buddies, and whatever else, but mainly use it to post on other people's sites since you need a login. I don't like to do my Blog there though, as it's much easier to do it here for me right now. I'm sure I'll switch over one of these days, but there's way too many things to do on MySpace and I like things old school for the time being. Mine if you're bored is at: http://www.myspace.com/drudown894.
Wrestling news? New Year's Revolution went well the other night. My boy Flair opened the show up against Edge and kept his IC Title by DQ. Of course he was a bloody mess as usual. In the Trish Stratus and Mickie James match, I thought they were both going to cut off circulation to their head as they were busting out of their outfits if you feel me. Not that me and my boys were complaning as we watched, but I just wanted to point that out. Why'd they have King beat Helms? Big Show is way too slow in there. His match with Triple H didn't do much for me and I'm a big HHH fan. Here's where it got interesting though is in the Elimination Chamber. Cena wins this one and keeps his title. Then out walks Edge who cashes in his Money in the Bank to get a title shot immediately after. Smart move and it fooled the fans. Edge gets the win to become champ. Then we have RAW. RVD is coming back for the Rumble! HBK and Angle were in a tag together, but ended up getting into it. Please give us HBK and Angle again at WrestleMania. They'll completely tear the house down, guaranteed. I'm rambling here, I know, but Batista tore his triceps. He's out, so they needed him to lose the belt on SmackDown. They had a Battle Royal (spoiler alert) at the SmackDown tapings and Kurt Angle walks out in Philly. Sweet! New champ as he threw out Mark Henry. The best wrestler in the company right now if you ask me.

Speaking of, I just went nuts ordering wrestling DVDs. Ring Of Honor has a deal (http://www.rohwrestling.com) that if you spend over $100 by tomorrow, you get a 25% discount. Me being the wrestling shill that I am, I loaded up huge. I won't write about it too much for now, but I will write what I ordered. ROH Night Of Tribute (11-19-05), ROH Vendetta (11-5-05), ROH Enter The Dragon (10-14-05), ROH Unforgettable (10-2-05), ROH Best Of Bryan Danielson - World's Finest, and WWE Rob Van Dam - One Of A Kind which is a 2-DVD set.
Movie day for my kids is going to be tomorrow instead of Friday. Friday starts semester exams, so I can't break tradition and just not show a movie during a week. I always take suggestions from my kids and a few of them wanted to see Roll Bounce. That's the movie with Bow Wow and Nick Cannon in it. You can't go wrong with thug type movies, even if this one does look weird. I think I'll enjoy it though since I'm different like that. I'll weigh in on it for sure.

3 Quick Thangs:
1. I opened a bag of Doritos the other day that had an expiration date of October 2005 on it. Nothing wrong with them at all. I crack up at some people who won't eat stuff after it expires, even if the bag hasn't been opened. I should try to keep a bag for like 5 years to see how that goes when I open it.
2. Big Al Jefferson.
3. Birthdays for Thursday, January 12th: Smokin' Joe Frazier is 62. The man with the longest NFL field goal of 63-yards, Tom Dempsey, turns 59. Rush Limbaugh goes for 55. Kirstie Alley and Drew Pearson (footballer) also are 59, dang. The King Of All Media, Howard Stern is 52. The Human Highlight Film, Dominique Wilkins hits 46. That's pretty solid for some of the duds we've had the last few birthday welcomes we did.
SWEET! i caught it in the wrestling section...thats a favorite. your myspace needs some updating. fix it up Ed. its a little plain. look at mine... http://www.myspace.com/acuwildcats04
the washboard is awesome. i have actually used one when i was kicked out to mexico with my family there. they are fun. just thought you would want to know. hope you don't get sick with the doritos...
hey ed! long time no talk huh? man, ur myspace page is borrrinnng. lol well anyway, roll bounce is a good movie. Bow wow just so cute! talk later!
What the fuck! This was the first time I've ever seen your myspace, Bird. It's basically just a page with a dozen girls or so posting half-nude pictures of other girls.
Interesting that you mention Dempsey as the holder of the longest field goal in NFL history, but don't forget that Jason Elam also hit a 63-yarder. So they're tied. Although it was at Mile High. But still.
you are so f'in right kash....thats all it is naked girls. you need to post him a comment or something. change it up. i try to every once in a while.
People used to be addicted to pot, hash, cocaine, heroin, LSD, etc. But now in 2006, they are addicted to myspace.
lol Nice comments goin on there :-p. Yea my space is a lil dull too but eh who cares it was just something to do while sittin around here & the thing to have in college lol, so ya can find hot local guys HAHAHA :-p.
Been 6 days since the last blog...
One coming this evening (Tuesday), so hold tight. I have it all typed up at work, just haven't put the pics to it yet.
thanks for mentioning that kash. i was gonna say something also. get on the ball ED. j/k
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