I'll start with school and then get into the big part of this post, the weekend trip to Canton, Ohio for the Football Hall of Fame. Anyways, the movie this week was The Man. This one features Samuel L. Jackson and the dad in American Pie. He'll never be known by anything else and he's not worthy of getting his real name put up here since we all know him as that. A very funny movie and it's a quick one if you're worried about not having enough time to watch. 83 minutes total, the shortest movie I've seen this year. PG-13, but it has some quality cussing in it for those into that. Samuel L and Pie Dad have some nice chemistry together.
After that, me and Cork roll to the Cougs game at the school I teach at. Easily the hottest gym as far as roasting our nads off that we've been in this year. It was rough, but at least my Cougs won the game. I was there rooting neutral though, because the kids I see everyday were on the court too. The Cougs (my old HS for those not following along) have only lost twice this year and that's a real good start. After the game, we head off to Applebee's. I got the Cajun Steak (medium/rare) & Shrimp again and it was good. The interesting thing there was this hostess chick. She was mean like a viper. It was very noticeable too and other people around us sitting were saying the same thing. A waitress for the table beside us was strolling around and her table started going off on how mean that chick was. The waitress said she was glad she's not the only one who doesn't like her and then me and Cork joined in for some giggles to get everyone started. After that, the entire section was ready to put the hostess in the Crossface Chickenwing and make her tap out due to pain. Good times.

I had to wake up at 5:15 AM the next morning. On a Saturday?! Yep, but it was for a road trip, so of course I was in. I ended up going to bed at 3:15, getting 2 hours of sleep. Not a good choice, but I can handle my own with not much sleep. I was drinking Cherry Coke at 6 in the morning though, so fear. The crew along for the Hall of Fame trip? My cousin Ozzie was driving, Mudcat in the passenger seat, then it was Fortney, Darren, and myself in the back. The best part of the trip, or one of them at least, was the endless amount of sports trivia. Ozzie brought along the latest ESPN board game deal and it's a great setup. We were all pretty even in the end and it gave some good trash talking. Fortney, did you end up with the most wins? I'm not sure what the final tally was, but Fortdog, Mudcat, and me all had several wins to our credit. It wasn't cool getting squashed in the back, but it was worth it regardless.
A big breakfast is a must for a road trip. Even though I'm not a huge breakfast guy, I am when I have time to eat huge unlike mornings when I go to work. We hit up Shoney's in Parkersburg, WV. Our waitress there was this old chick named Ruby. Right off, me and Darren looked at each other and said any waitress that is old and has a name like Ruby, we came to the right place. This place also had some friendly workers and I made a point to mention that to the other older chick running the cashier when we left how it's appreciated.
After that was very interesting though. Ozzie needed to get an oil change in his car and we hit up this place. We get there and the door opens with this foreign dude who is wearing a Yankees helmet that has a MEDIC sticker on it. We're sitting there and figure we just have to drive in and stay in the car. Dude comes to us and asks us the kind of oil in the car and a lot of other things. We couldn't understand 90% of the stuff he said and he was cracking us up good. Then he tells us to all get out of the car. What? We did like idiots, but he just took the car into the garage himself. After we left, I got a pic of the place, but I'm mad that I never got a pic of our whole crew (should have a crew pic at the HOF when Fortney emails one to me this week) with this character.
Then we arrive at Canton for the Hall. This is my second time being there. The first was about 4 or 5 years ago and I went with Mudcat. You can literally spend all day in there if you want, it's great. $15 to get in and worth every penny. The store inside has a section of every team and you can buy just about anything you can imagine, but the prices are crazy jacked up. My favorite part of the place is probably the Super Bowl ring area. That or the Walter Payton display as they have an exact body model of him. It's worth checking out if you've never been.
A side note that I have to mention for the locals. Mud dropped an f-bomb! Yes, he did and said the actual word. For those who don't know Mudcat, he never cusses, but Ozzie fired him up good and he went off. This got the entire car rolling to the point that Fortney and Darren were taking pics of Mud after it happened. They said they'll save that pic and put an edit on it that says "Mud Said Fuck". I think this was easily Fortney's favorite part of the entire trip. I don't cuss too much and when I do (usually when I play ball) people get a kick out of it. When Mudcat does it, it goes up about 100 notches due to the fact that it never happens.

We're gearing towards an end here. We had to eat on the way home, so we figured we might as well eat something good instead of fast food. Red Lobstahhh it was, so I liked that action. Being near Cleveland, some of my boys had Steelers gear on and a Browns fan comes up to our table and cracks on them good. It was in good spirits though, as he was a pimped out thug about 65 years old or so. We ended the trip by more sports trivia on the way back and listening to the WVU basketball win against UCLA.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. Birthdays for Monday, January 23rd? MacGyver is 56. Hakeem Olajuwon turns 43. Footballer Eric Metcalf goes for 38. Soccer chick Julie Foudy is 35 for those who care about that. Tiffani-Amber Theissen is 32.
2. For the wrestling fans, since I didn't get a mention in.. One of the best message boards out there, this one is strictly for Ring Of Honor Wrestling: http://www.rohwrestling.com/MessageBoard/.
3. The Flavor Of Love, Sunday nights on VH1 is awesome. You can't go wrong with a show that stars Flava Flav. That's money.
WOW! what a weekend. i thought you were going to be induckted into the hall of fame. what happened. good to see you had some fun with the guys. it was yuck weather here but i cam make it fun. yep yep. catch ya around. take care.
Well, as you know I never post, but I couldn't resist saying something about the whole Mudcat F-bomb thing. That's the best thing I've heard lately. At least I was drunk when I said it! Still sorry about the railing. Haha
Flav...the original Grillz...king!!!
Cork and Bird are like Stockton and Malone, what a couple they make! <3 <3 <3
Tiffani Amber-Thiessen is still hot. Don't click on this link if you're under 18 or whatever.
bah I thought that links would be clickable, oh well
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