I got sunburnt good this weekend. My arms, legs, and neck are roasted. I did put sunscreen on me, but I guess I didn’t hit all of the spots. June 30th was my first time swimming all year, so that’s what I deserved. Also during the weekend, I went with my parents to stay at a place they have in the mean streets of Harman, West Virginia. I didn’t miss a thing in my town of course and liked that it just let me be a bum away from home. If you’re ever up in that area, make sure to hit up Serriani’s, an Italian joint in Thomas, West Virginia. You won’t be disappointed. These places are in the middle of nowhere, but still worth checking out if you’re into the scenery part of the state.
I also got in some tennis action over the weekend. While it was nice to get in the exercise, I pulled my chest muscle again. I get this injury every few months and I know I need to take time off every now and then, but I hate to miss my workouts, so I keep chugging along. So I have the sore right shoulder and chest going, but I’ll survive. In a stat I’m always proud of, in 11+ years of working out steady, I’ve never missed more than a week at a time and haven’t had any serious injuries. The few times I missed that amount of time was for a few ingrown toenail surgeries and things of the like. I might not look like a roid freak and there’s a lot more guys in the area that are jacked up, but I like my chances of being the steadiest guy in the gym in my town. Then again, with how my town is, that’s probably nothing too major to brag about with these bums.

Sunday Stew recap time. As usual, I’ll probably just normally talk about Bam and Milonakis. On Bam this week, it was Ape’s birthday and Phil was putting together a photo album of her life. Bam saw it and came up with some ideas he saw in the pics. He saw one of an old VW Bug she had and got the same paint job and everything and gave it to her. He also gave her a horse that was similar to what she had as a kid. The funny part of the show was when Ape was at some art class and Vito comes in naked with a sign on him. Bam found a pic of Vito naked on a motocycle in 1979 and wanted to recreate that. Of course Ape goes crazy and gets him out of there, ripping the sign off him, not knowing he was naked in front of the whole class. Then for her main present, Bam drives up to Atlantic City to pick up Billy Idol who is Ape’s favorite. They go to a show, hang out backstage with him, and they all end up in Ape’s hotel room partying like rock stars. The end.
On Milonakis this week, he’s over the top as usual. Nobody seems big on this show yet, but hopefully you all get on board soon. It’s a different kind of comedy, but one I find hilarious. One segment I liked was when he was with one of his thug buddies and they were freestyling. They were rapping about pancakes and Andy wondered what rhymed with syrup. The thug says hyrup and then they go and eat pancakes and put syrup (except it says hyrup on it) on it. I know, seems dumb, but it was good enough to have me laughing out loud. Not to mention, we had Snoop on TV looking for his body double until he discovers Andy and he fills in for him on an interview. Snoop doesn’t like how it goes and starts dishing out pimp slaps. Andy has a thing he does called Pancake Face and that’s what it is. It’s a pancake with eyes and a mouth cut out. Snoop put that on his face, good s tuff. Next week, John Stamos gets stuck in a tree. Worth checking out. I’m probably weird for liking this show a lot, but who knows. Who knew?

A couple of CDs to mention this time around. The first is Savage Life from Webbie. This one comes strong and I was surprised with this. The second one I got was Young Jeezy’s Let Get It – Thug Motivation 101. I haven’t listened to Young Jeezy’s yet, but I’m hoping it delivers.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. I never did get around to watching Assault on Precinct 13. I wish I knew how many times I’ve rented a few movies at once, only to not watch them all and having to take them back.
2. Today is George Steinbrenner’s 75th birthday for those keeping track at home.
3. I’m sure I’ve hyped it up before, but for the big Real World fans out there, hit this one up: http://realworldroadrules.blogspot.com.
One of your best "3 Quick Thangs" ever! Keep 'em coming.
Hey Kasher, good to see ya stopping around still. Quality.
Andy is HILARIOUS. my wife thinks im a dork when we watch it though, because im Busting out laughing
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