Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. Or however that old school song went. What’s on tap for this issue? We got TV action of course, the Hillybilly Horseshoes Tournament from Sunday, CD talk, and my meeting with a hedgehog. More on this stuff later. Nothing huge planned the rest of the week though. Thursday night I’m going to yet another Pirates game to see the Rockies again. There shouldn’t be anyone at this game since it’s two bums going at it and there is no promotional giveaways at the gate for this one. I’m pumped regardless though.
Not too long ago, I was saying how I wanted a hedgehog as a pet. Me and Cork went out to eat some Mexican yesterday in Fairmont. No, not a Mexican chick, Mexican food. Get your mind out of the gutters. We were at the scenic Middletown Mall which is a big hole in the wall that only has a purpose for old people to walk in and get exercise. There’s about 3 stores still open in it and a lot of hair cutting places. Anyways, they do have an awesome video game store in there, featuring lots of old school stuff that we load up on. After we did that, we went to the pet store in there and I was curious to if they had hedgehogs. I didn’t think so, but when we asked, they sure as well did. They have four of these bad boys and I’ve never touched one before, but have always been curious. The spikes don’t hurt you, they’re just a little prickly. The prices at this shop? Some were $109 and some were $150. I’ve heard I can get them for cheaper than that, so I may look into that one day. These little guys rule.

I can’t believe I just spent a paragraph on hedgehogs, but you never know what you’re going to get in The Madhouse of Bird33. So you’re wanting to know how the Hillbilly Horseshoes Tournament went on Sunday? I know you’re dying to know. I’ve talked about it before, but here’s a very quick recap. This is a game instead of using actual horseshoes, you use washers and instead of rings you have a 1x3 plank of wood with a little hole in the middle that you throw in. I won’t break down the point value for the game, but that gives an idea. Seems weird maybe, but it’s very competitive and gives some good trash talking battles. The setting was in the mean streets of Gypsy at the Barnes Boys’ house. We had 12 teams playing (2 on a team) and every dude pitched in $5 for the festivities. I was teamed up with Murphy (the Lobstah guys might know his name from the Pickup Ball thread in there as he plays ball with us a good bit), one of the brother-in-laws of the Barnes Boys. We had quite a few skunk games in there and made it to the Finals against Big Barney and Cork. Problem was, we had to beat them twice since they made it that far undefeated and it was a double elimination tourney. We smacked them around the first Best Of 5 Series and then it was on. We started out great, but they pulled the comeback and forced the second and deciding series to Game 5. Needless to say, me and Murph Dogg lost, but we had fun doing so. The entire tourney took 5 hours to complete. $5 for 5 hours of fun? You can’t beat that with a stick.
I could fill way too much space with the Sunday night TV shows in here, but I’ll spare you guys every now and then. Surreal Life this week had the crew bowling off against some disabled kids. Janice Dickinson was calling them retards in front of them and their parents heard as well. This got everyone fired up and was pretty dirty. 52 years old and looks good though. I know that sentence seems weird, but you’d agree too. She wants Canseco bad. Canseco didn’t do anything wild this time. He might be have the least amount of drama so far. He should be the one scared of them, not the other way around. Also, on Bam this week, it was a good one. Vito got initiated into a biker group and Gwar came for a concert. Phil and Ape babysitting Gwar was some good TV. These guys are a weird mess. Nothing major went down on Hogan Knows Best this week. Celebrity Fit Club is worth the price of admission just to watch Gary Busey. A total maniac, but he works perfect on this show. He lost something crazy like 12 pounds last week, probably due to all of that crack he uses.
We have a new addition to the Blog Family. This one is from one of the funniest guys that I’ve known. The #basketball guys already know him, but if not, check out the new Blog setup from none other than Corndog. Straight from Logan County and filled with hilarious stories, it’s going to be worth the look. Drop him some comments, he’d appreciate it. Go see The Original Husky Boy and his site at http://huskycorndog.blogspot.com. My other Blog buddies are slacking. June 24th for the latest post Walz? July 6th for Susie. Susie, I know you’re up there big pimpin’, but we’re do for a new post, hah.
RAW last night.. What? They started out with a match? Sweet! The rematch of Benjamin and Carlito. These guys can go, but Benjamin has been messing up a lot on some high risk maneuvers. I guess that’s why they call them high risk. Angle made the school teacher, Matt Striker tap out. For those who don’t know, Striker got fired from his teaching job because he used his sick days and went to go wrestle instead, hah. I love it. Hogan accepts HBK’s challenge for the SummerSlam extravaganza. I like that HBK brought back his old heel slogan, “The showstopper.. the main event.. the ICON!” The rest of the show isn’t worth talking about. No Triple H, no Flair, no RVD even though he’s hurt. Stretcher Match next week on RAW, Edge against Kane.

Only one CD added to the mix, but it’s one we’ve had trouble finding for a long long time. It is Pimpin’ On Wax, the 1999 production of JT Money. Download some JT Money if you don’t know him. No idea how he never made it big in the rap scene. And as I’m typing this out, Cork just brought over 3 more CDs to the collection. First we have And Then There Was X from DMX. The next one is Mind Control, the latest from Canibus. The third is I Got That Work from the Big Tymers. Considering I just got all of these, I haven’t listened to any yet to give a review.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. Today’s birthdays? Anthony Edwards of Top Gun fame turns 43, Stuart Scott of ESPN is 40 and needs to be fired as soon as possible, while baseballer Preston Wilson is 31.
2. I have a setup in my video game room now where I have 5 systems connected to each other: Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, and PlayStation 2. I have others, but that’s all I’m going to attach together for now.
3. Who? Mike Jones.
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