Wow does the time fly. Yeah, I guess I’ve been slacking. I hope the millions and millions of fans will still be around when this one gets posted up. You never know though, but I’ll see what I can do for the readers.
First off, to the guy that is on the Bird33 payroll, we start with another contribution of The_Freak. You guys should be knowing him well by now. Maybe soon he’ll even drop a few lines into the main section as a guest to give me a break. Anyways, he is giving everyone a heads up on the next sensation, The Kid From Brooklyn. You have to watch this guy’s clips, they’re a riot. A New York accent always cracks me up, especially one that drops f-bombs every other word. I could listen to those guys talk about anything and still be interested. Anyways, go here: Thekidfrombrooklyn.com.

Real World Austin Reunion was shown on Tuesday and it was pretty good. First, everyone says how Danny has changed since the show. Nehemiah starts stuff up and just starts laying into him, calling him a Ben Affleck wannabe like you saw on the previews and everything else. Danny just kind of sat there as Nehemiah turned OG again. They also busted Lacey’s chops for talking behind everyone’s back. Next week we get the stuff they didn’t show on TV, then we wait until February for the next season of the series, nice. Danny and Mel are now engaged too for whatever that’s worth.
Oh, you have to watch the latest MTV Made if you’re out of the loop. I’m telling ya, this one is worth the price of admission. It’s the gay cheerleader dude who wants to be soccer guy. Guy is 295lbs starting off and it’s just crazy funny how big of a wuss this kid is. It makes for some awesome TV, trust me. My girl Jenn Jenn was saying he had bigger tits than her. In my personal ranks, I put this one in the top 3 all time of Made shows. In no particular order, it’s right there with the basketball dude who gets worked by a 6th grader, no lie. Also another of my favorites, not on the embarrassing factor, but one that is actually good, is the whitey rapper who hangs with C-Rayz Walz. Not to be confused with Stonewood, West Virginia and #basketball resident Walz.

Sure, I’ll get in a little wrestling talk. Survivor Series wasn’t a great show, but it wasn’t horrible. I guess it was in the middle as nothing really stood out from the rest. I do love a great 10-Man Tag Match though. That never gets old to see everyone landing their moves at a fast pace and utter chaos ensues. Flair being arrested for road rage and going off on a guy in front of him. That’d be classic to see as you’re minding your business, driving down the road. Also, his chick is accusing him of physical, steroid, and alcohol abuse. She says he slapped, kicked, choked, and bit her. Hah, Flair is biting her. He’s the same guy out of the ring as he is in the ring. Then Flair comes back and says she assaulted him more than once. He’s Ric Flair, he’s not going to get in trouble, come on now. He’s near god-like status to me.
A few new CDs I get that nobody has heard of. Thanks to my boy Dom in Germany, he hooked me up with some new Bay Area jams:
Plot: Mission 4 Loot. I wasn’t big on this one, even if it is Bay Area.
Young Dalley: Never Say Die. Really good stuff here, one I’d recommend. Nobody on it that you’d know, but don’t make that stop ya from getting it.

What is on tap for the weekend? I’m not sure actually. The movie for Friday is Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I heard it’s real good, we’ll see. My kids want to see it too, go figure. I’ll weigh in on that madness during the next one.
3 Quick Thangs:
1. Birthdays for December 2nd? Lucy Liu is 37, geez that’s old. Monica Seles is 32. Britney Spears turns 24. What a weak day for birthdays.
2. No ball this week. You talk about being fired up. I wait around for just two things all week to make me happy. Wrestling and playing ball. Didn’t get to play ball this week, doh!
3. Got bored and figured I’d get some hair clippers to shave my own head. I’ll give it a try over the weekend. I rolled with this: http://www.wahl.com/clipntrim.html. 23 pieces on this beast and everything else you can think of. Pimp pimp. Even the 1/8” blade that I used last time, Paul Wall style
That Made episode was funny. Although I didnt watch all of it, I watched most of it.
hey whats up. i know you miss me. lol, j/k. i like the blog. YAY i was the first to read it. i am a regular now. hope you are doing okay and keeping warm, i'm trying. its been in the 70s and i'm freezing YOUR butt off. its crazy. talk to ya soon. finals tomorrow. ugh
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