I’m getting addicted to the game Animal Crossing. I don’t even believe it ends is the weird part, but it sucks you in. How can a game where you don’t fight (yet), has no cussing, no blood, or anything mean about it be so good? Maybe others won’t like it, but this one gets good reviews over the years. A kiddie game for the Nintendo fans, but I still eat that stuff up. I look for Cork to give his opinion on it in his next Blog. He may have a different opinion than I, but he at least checked it out for a bit. We’re both in the same town, in the mean streets of Compton. It’s hard to explain the concept of this game if you’ve never played it, but I’m hooked.
Real World this week was lame. Ugh! Why couldn’t it be like two weeks ago when Landon flipped out? Now we’re back to what most of this season has been doing, rough times. There should only be a few weeks left though thankfully. This week was their trip to Fiji. Looks like a pretty awesome place to go to though, yet no storylines came with it. Sarah tries to hook up with all of the British guys, but they keep shutting her down. Then behind her back, they start calling her a slut, hah. Then her and Mel rumble because Mel walks up and tries to get with these guys that were talking behind her back. Mel was the one that relayed that to her anyways. What’s up with Mel’s hair? That stuff is rough, ouch. It’s like a clump of garbage and on top of that, it’s boy hair. Then at the end of the show, Landon and Vonda are getting stuff going, but she leaves in the middle and can’t continue. Doh! Shot down!

I rented two movies this past weekend that I could keep for a week, so not a bad deal there. I ended up getting Saved! and Breakin’ All The Rules. I was on another Mandy Moore kick I guess. Saved! isn’t that awesome, but at least you get to check her out during the movie. She turns evil in it too, which is a role I’ve never seen her play. The movie isn’t horrible, but it’s nothing to write home about either. Breakin’ All The Rules is a recommendation of DerekHood, but I’ve yet to check it out. Hopefully I can see it before I have to take it back on Friday, but times are looking slim. Gabrielle Union is also in this thing, which you definitely can’t go wrong with.
VH1 has been rocking it out lately. Three shows I’m big on. I watch entirely too much TV. If I had to go without TV or internet, I’d be screwed till the end of my life probably. The new Surreal Life is great. All of the seasons so far have been really good. This one features Mini-Mi, Chyna, Da Brat, and Peter Brady to name the main ones. Mini-Me got trashed on the first night there and he was a mess. He was naked and wizzing on the hallway carpet. And he drives around in one of those old people scooters, it’s great. Then you have to watch Chyna to see how cracked out she is. I was telling Cork that we should’ve put her on the Lobstah Deathpool this year. She’s up till 7:00 in the morning (sounds like us, but at least we’re not on crack) just kicking and jumping around the house. Peter Brady is the laid back guy of the group, but I was surprised how ripped up he is. Peter Brady works out?? I’m ready for Da Brat and Chyna to throw down, we know it’ll happen. Next we get Strange Love, a show spurned off of last season’s Surreal Life. This one is about the times of Flavor Flav and Brigitte Nielsen. You have to check this one out. The funny thing is that Nielsen has a fiancée, yet spends a lot of time with Flav who is trying to pretty much steal her away. Only in Hollywood. And to see the lines that Flav gives her is great. This week, he goes to a fancy dinner with her rich friends and she doesn’t want him to embarrass her. He gets this pimp suit and starts singing love songs to her at the piano in front of them and they don’t know what to think. The preview makes it looks good anyways. The third show is Celebrity Fit Club. This is where you have two teams of celebs and they are in a battle to see who can lose the most weight. A different cast of characters here with a few being Biz Markie, one of the Baldwin brothers, one of Steven Tyler’s girls, the Snapple woman, Kim Coles, and a few others. It’s been worth it after the first two weeks, so we’ll see.

What’s new in the world of CDs? I have seven new ones since the last post, so I’m doing pretty good. In alphabetical order, here we go:
Bay Madness: The Compilation. This is some Bay Area stuff featuring JT The Bigga Figga and San Quinn as the main rappers. My theory is that you can’t go wrong with Bay Area rap.
Cutmaster C & Gravy: The Streets Is Still Watchin’. A mixtape featuring a bunch of random guys. Young Buck, Busta Rhymes, Redman, M.O.P., 50, Styles P, Eminem, Jadakiss (he’s on every mixtape it seems like), Keith Murray, Remy Ma, JR Writer (found the spelling finally Cork), Fat Joe, and others.
De La Soul: The Grind Date. This one is downright awesome. I wasn’t sure what to expect of De La Soul, since the majority of their hits came in the late 80’s. They haven’t changed their style and they can still bring it. If you’re into some rap lyrics that mean something, this is your stuff and it has a good flow to it. Ghostface Killah, Carl Thomas, Flavor Flav, and Common are part of this CD. One of the better CDs I’ve heard in a long time.
Do Or Die: Back 2 The Game. I figured I’d get on a Do Or Die kick. This is a 2002 album and just like all Do Or Die stuff, it certainly delivers.
Do Or Die: Pimpin’ Ain’t Dead. A 2003 release and I like this one better than Back 2 The Game if I was taking a poll on it. Both are awesome gets.
E-White: The White Album. One that I don’t know anything about, but it’s rap and he looks funny, so I’ll give it a try. It can’t be bad.

Dean Martin: Dino – The Essential Dean Martin. What? Non-rap? Yep, that’s what this one is. I go way back with this one since I needed some old time Mafia music in my collection. I’ve been looking for Dean Martin stuff for a while, but he’s hard to find on here it seems, but has a million CDs or close enough. Now I just need my Mafia suit to go with it and I’ll be set. I can always remember being with Donnie Brasco (Sanford for the locals) and he’d be jamming this stuff constantly. Can’t go wrong there.

Two weeks until WWE Royal Rumble, so with that in mind, RAW has to get put into high gear to prepare. They gave us two quality matches this week. The others weren’t anything to talk about, but I still enjoyed the show. One was HBK taking on Christian. This was a good match, where the crowd added even more. The show was in Toronto and anytime there’s a Canadian crowd, they are great. They’re right up there with Philly and Chicago. They can’t stand HBK anyways, so that made their reaction better. Toronto is weird when it comes to a wrestling crowd as they cheer for the bad guys. I like that though, but you don’t see that often these days. They completely go against what the WWE wants them to cheer for, so it’s funny to see. HBK wins this one cleanly in what was a good match. I hope this elevates Christian. The other match I liked was fellow Canadians going at it, Jericho facing Benoit. Jericho was born in New York, but we all know he’s more Canadian than American if that makes sense. These guys went at it like we know they could and Jericho ends up with the win. Afterwards they get in each other’s faces and then give us the respect by shaking each other’s hands ECW style. The fans were all over that and that’s always a good ending to a match if it was a good one. The main event was Kane versus Snitsky. Not much of a match, but the ending is what will make us remember it. It was over the top and cheezy, but still it made for good TV. Kane gives a Chokeslam off the stage to the floor and JR just freaks out. This is one of the better JR endings in a while in my opinion. Take it away JR..
Oh My God! Don’t do this! Don’t do it Kane! You’re going to break the man’s back! Oh God! Oh My God! Kane just took Snitsky to hell with him! Kane just took Snitsky to hell and followed him into town! My God! Kane and Snitsky, they’re broken in pieces it looks like! Kane is.. Referee there to check on them, but what the hell you going to do? There’s broken bodies everywhere! I think.. I think Kane threw Snitsky all the way to hell. All the way to the concrete floor! And went with him for the ride! My God! My God I can’t believe this! Neither man is moving and that’s not a damn good sign. Kane knew he was going to take Snitsky to hell, but Kane was going to go with him! Kane paid the ultimate price to send Snitsky to hell. And neither man are moving and we need help here badly. This is the worst sign of all, with nobody moving. Oh God… What a night. They’re hurt. Hurt bad..
I guess I did have something to talk about anyways. I think I wrapped it up good and made your wait worth it. If not, I can go down knowing that I tried at least. Good to have Dom and That’s Me back in the fold here. Their Blogs were down for a while, but now they’re back in business, so check theirs out if you could:
Dom: http://dominik1985.blogspot.com/
That’s Me: http://coorsltchicwv.blogspot.com/
I suppose Bird does like I do and searches @ Google for his specific pics.
I bought me a game cube 15 months ago but didn't play more than a few hours since then 'cuz there's always no free time for video-gaming. (only in the holidays) Did you already check out one of the two NFS Underground games?
I'm not up-to-date on wrestling anymore but I remember that the Christian/Jericho feud started a long time ago with Trish's turn... correct me if I'm wrong!
I'll answer you both here..
That's Me, you're not the only one that has problems posting at times. I do that on other Blogs too. Sometimes it doesn't show up, but after a while when I refresh, it's there. Not sure I have an answer for ya. And on the pics, Dom had it. I just go to Yahoo, click on "Images" and search for anything and everything. Some of my pics don't even relate to the Blog.
Dom, the Jericho/Christian feud was a while back and as you see in the pic there, that's the last WrestleMania. I just liked the pic, so I used it. And you can't go wrong with having Trish in a pic under any circumstances.
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