As I type this, I barely have enough space to sit at my computer desk. I have a busy weekend going on here at the house. I got some new dressers in for my room, but the problem was getting it up here. With how my house is structured, it’s one of the weirdest setups I’ve seen. You can barely get anything up my stairs to my section of the house. The corner up the steps is too sharp and the ceiling is too low. Needless to say, the new dressers wouldn’t go up there. After ripping into the wall, tearing some of the ceiling up, we couldn’t muscle our way through to get it up there. So now what? We move on to our final option. That was to get the dressers up on top of our roof and then carry it through one of the windows. We managed to get it up there though, thanks to my boy Spank who is stronger than 5 people. Of course since I’m little, I had to be the one to get on the roof and get that part of the job done. I’m afraid of heights, and even climbing up a ladder to my roof gets to me, but I toughed it out, so fear.
Now that the dressers are in here, I didn’t exactly figure out beforehand how I would rearrange my room. I can barely walk in my section of the house with junk just laying around everywhere. I’ve gotten rid of so much garbage that I don’t need, but it doesn’t look like I have. This is just the start of things I guess. Last night I had to clear enough space in my video game room so we could battle in some action there.
Cork and Spank join for the festivities. Spank brings his XBox over and a few minutes later, Cork is over. They then run to load up like crazy on some video games. The games they ended up getting? Mafia, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2, and Crimson Skies. Madden 2005 was also here for the collection. Cork doesn’t have an XBox yet, but he’s already started to buy games and controllers for when he buys it sometime in the next week or so more than likely. It’s a must for any system you have to get a wireless controller. They’re that good, trust me. This is a great system. I haven’t played a lot of it until last night, but it’s worth it. I like the controller setup for the most part, except for the stupid white/black buttons and the start/select buttons. I guess it can’t be perfect as every controller has their flaws.

How’d I like the games? I haven’t played Ninja Gaiden yet, but Cork says it’s great. Mafia is one I’ve been wanting to check out. I’ve seen ads for it before and they got a good deal on it used for only $20. Of course it’s rated mature. The game starts out as you being a cab driver, but due to some experiences, you’re forced to join the Mafia. We haven’t gotten too in-depth with this one, but I like the idea of the game so far a lot. You can’t go wrong with some 1930s Mafia action. San Andreas isn’t out for XBox, so we went with Vice City. As far as the missions, they speak own their own. But it’s fun enough just going around town, driving whatever vehicle you can jack, then just busting up innocent bystanders. A violent game, but that’s why everybody likes it. It’s really addictive. Last night was also the first time I was able to check out Halo 2. I’m awful at weird control games, but this one is worth the billing so far. It’d be real nice if you had a big crew of guys going at it in this one. I want to try the multiple TV hookup one day. I like it since it’s pretty much Unreal Tournament. Crimson Skies is a nice airplane game, but it wasn’t one that I was good at honestly. Plane games I could never catch on to for some reason, but the storyline is pretty good.

I wake up this afternoon at around 1:30 (not bad for a weekend) and Dad came back from Wal-Mart with a DVD for me. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time, The Pride Of The Yankees. You more than likely haven’t seen this movie, but you really need to. Go find this one, whether you’re a Yankees fan or not. This is a 1942 movie starring Gary Cooper. It’s in black and white and I know what you’re thinking. It can’t be any good. This one may possibly be in my top 5 movies of all time. If not, it’s very close. Anyways, this is the Lou Gehrig Story and Cooper plays Gehrig dead on. The real Babe Ruth is also in this movie for whatever that’s worth. It’s 2 hours and 8 minutes, but well worth your time. Dad found it for only $7.50 too, which you can’t beat with a stick. Not even the famous hickory stick. Or how about the Singapore Cane? Check out the ratings for this movie, it gets some mad hype and it lives up to it. It’s a tearjerker if you know of the Gehrig storyline, but the entire movie is quality stuff.

Tomorrow is WWE New Year’s Revolution. I’ve already talked about this earlier in the week, so I won’t bore you anymore with that too much. Just remember that we’re pumped to watch the 3rd ever Elimination Chamber Match. This structure consists of supposedly 2 miles of chain, 10 tons of steel, and is 36 feet in diameter. It’s a great setup and usually guys in this match will take a big time beating. Wrestling will be hot for the next 3 or 4 months. We have my favorite pay per view coming up at the end of the month in WWE Royal Rumble. Then we gear up a few months later to April 3rd, where we’re blessed with WWE WrestleMania 21. This should mean for some huge RAW shows (and SmackDown too, but I don’t get that). If you’ve been slacking on your wrestling watching as of late, remember that football season is over as far as Monday Night Football goes, so get your TV set to RAW on Monday nights at 9:00 PM Eastern. That should be your first priority on Monday nights anyway.

I can’t think of anything big going down for the upcoming week. Thursday features the debut of ESPN’s new series, Tilt. This is a poker series and due to how popular poker has become over the past few years to the World Series Of Poker being shown on ESPN, they’re banking that it’ll get them some ratings. It’ll be shown each Thursday at 9:00 Eastern. I know a lot of my buddies aren’t looking forward to it since we get commercials shoved down our throats every 5 seconds. I told them that even though we see the commercials constantly, we’ll be hooked eventually. The same thing happened with Playmakers, which I’m still bummed that they never ran a second season with, doh! Their main character is a dude called The Matador, also known as Michael Madsen in real life. He’s been in some decent movies in the past. I don’t recognize any of the other cast members though. Tilt has a funny sequence that they preview though that I can’t get out of my head:
“Did you even look at your cards?”- Opponent after The Matador threw down a bet without looking at his cards
“No, but I saw the look on your face when you saw yours.”- The Matador
“…. I fold!”- Opponent
Oooooh! The drama! Hah. Not drama in a Real World sense, but you get where I’m coming from. The Boston Sports Guy said last week’s episode of the Real World was his favorite of all time. Wow, that’s stretching it, but he ate the Landon flipping out like a serial killer up. Speaking of TV, after some college hoops just ended, I’m watching some arm wrestling. Yes, ESPN is showing arm wrestling at 4:00 in the afternoon, go figure. I guess they know they can’t compete with the first NFL playoff game, starting shortly after. I’m watching the first few minutes and there’s a dude from Charlestown, West Virginia. No, that’s not Charleston. It’s two different places. Then again, most people don’t even know that West Virginia is a state, so why do I bother. Anyways, this dude from Charlestown is talking some crazy trash and they say he’s the best arm wrestler out there. That’s something I could never do. I’m an awful arm wrestler, always have been. You’d think I’d be a good arm wrestler being a single guy with no chick, but no luck, hah. The wrists just don’t have it I guess.
That’ll put the recap on this edition of The Madhouse Of Bird33. Thanks to everyone who sent the birthday wishes a few days ago. I appreciate that a lot. It ended up being a real good one. Until next time, holla back youngin’.
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