The show was from the mean streets of Manchester, New Hampshire. Seriously now, what goes down in New Hampshire? I can’t tell you a thing about that place. It ranks right up there with West Virginia, Idaho, the Dakotas, and Wyoming on the scale of national respect. Can we just make all of these states into one? Call them the bum states or something. Anyways, they decide to run RAW from there last night. Edge took out Orton last night at Vengeance and at RAW he beat Batista for his goal to eventually take down all of Evolution. I’m just not seeing the intensity from Edge and I think the crowd agrees. He needs something a little more. Is it Christian he lacks? Jericho took on Kane after he had Kane and Lita on the Highlight Reel. Please, get Lita off TV. The only purpose she serves is to see how bad her acting will be from week to week. Me and Cork can’t wait to see that stuff. But Kane busts Y2J in the nads and it’s over, blah. Jericho doesn’t deserve this. Since it was Hurricane’s birthday (or so some signs in the crowd said), I guess it was his present to wrestle the greatest wrestler of all time, Ric Flair. Flair’s ear got busted wide open somehow, but he locked in the Figure Four to make Hurricane tap out like a little girl. Our main event had Benoit putting his title on the line against Eugene. This ended in a no contest as Evolution came down and put the beat downs to both Benoit and Eugene. Not a bad show, but not anything worth writing home about either. Then again, I wrote it to you, so is that like eating my own words?
After watching RAW, nothing huge went down the rest of the night. From 12:00-1:00, I spent an hour at my church’s chapel for anyone who knows how that goes down. Or as Michael Vick said last week about rumors coming out about him being gay, he commented something like, “My boys know me, they know how I get down.” That just cracks me up good. I could listen to stupid interview lines forever, especially from gangsta thugs.
I set my alarm for 9:30. Yes, you read that right. I rolled to bed at 5:00, so I got a good 4½ hours to gear up for HUGE happenings. I woke up that early so I could get NCAA Football 2005 for GameCube. I could’ve got it late last night, but that would’ve cost me to miss a live episode of RAW, and that would’ve been a sin I’d never be forgiven for. When I got the game, I immediately rip it open and check out the inside. Christmas in July. Then I head on to Staples to order my digital camera that I’ve been talking about. It may be here in the mail tomorrow, but I doubt that one. A few days tops though, so peep that. I hope it’s decent. And what trip to Clarksburg/Bridgeport wouldn’t be complete without a Wal-Mart stop? I had to load up on some frozen Chinese food. Cashew Chicken, good times. Also got some pimpin swim trunks at JC Penney’s today at a bargain.
How is NCAA Football 2005? I’ll start with the bad. There really isn’t too much bad, but my only complaint is how the wide receivers have butterfingers. And it’s not just Notre Dame either. Cork has mentioned this same thing. But if that’s the only thing that bugs me, the game is just fine. The running game goes real smooth and you can play smashmouth all the way down the field. Also, the option plays run well and brings me a blast from the past of the Lou Holtz Era from Notre Dame. Old school teams are on there too, so that’s always an added quality. I haven’t jumped into the Dynasty Mode much yet, but we’ll see how that goes. The levels (to me) are fairly hard in this year’s model. Varsity (2nd level out of 4) is rough to me and that shouldn’t be the case. I may have to bust heads on Junior Varsity and move my way up. If you’re keeping track at home, the 3rd level is All-American and the highest of high levels is Heisman. A neat thing they have this year is that you can create your own signs. There’s no limit to what you can put on them either. I feel like a middle school kid all over again now that I can put crazy stuff on the signs for the fans on the game to hold up during big plays. Then I can laugh like Beavis for about 10 minutes straight at what I’ve created.

I’m going to bore everyone with some more excerpts from the new Flair book that I’ve been ranting on now for about a week. I could write the party stories, him Big Pimpin, how much money he spent, road trip stories, talking about roids (he did them actually, but never for long periods of time supposedly), and things of that nature. I know nothing about the drinking craze, but if you party like rock stars, this will make sense to you. He said that from 1976-1991, he bought himself 100 kamikaze drinks each week, not to mention his other money spent on booze. Maybe I’ll touch on that stuff another day, but here’s something that had me cracking up:
So Scotty (Steiner) did pretty much whatever he pleased. I remember the Steiners amusing themselves by taping up “Hacksaw” Butch Reed’s hands and feet. Reed was such a fun-loving guy that he didn’t care. Then I asked Reed’s tag-team partner at the time, Ron Simmons (Faarooq), “When are they gonna do that to you?”
Simmons looked me dead in the eye: “Never.”
“Well, what would happen if they did try to fuck around with you?”
“Flair, I’m unfuckable.”
What’s new on the CD front? You’ll see my entire list if you already haven’t before a million times (listed in my AOL Instant Messenger profile; if I’m right on this, AOL members check that out, but maybe that’s changed?) on Friday night when I leave for the beach. I’ll update you on what I’ve gotten the past few weeks though, with some help from Cork Dizzle of course. The last time I wrote about CDs, I was on a KRS-One kick and that’s always good stuff. Since last week, me and Cork add four more to our collections. I got Devin The Dude’s new one To Tha X-Treme and also Erick Sermon’s new one, Chilltown, New York. Then Cork loads me up with Coo Coo Cal’s latest called All Or Nothing as well as one everyone knows from Vanilla Ice, To The Extreme. Funny how we got two CDs with the same name this past week. Devin is about as laid back as a rapper as you’ll ever see. If you’re into the mood to just lean back and jam, he’s your guy. He looks like your local crackhead, but he’s a talent. Also, you’ve probably never heard of Coo Coo Cal, but you need to. He’s straight from Milwaukee and has a style all to his own. He’s got a few CDs out there, so check those out if you can find them online. More than likely, you won’t find him at your local music store, but never say nevarrrr.
Later tonight, I have my boys Cork and Posey coming around 1:30. Since Posey is in town for the weekly Poker showdown at A’s, he wants to do battle in some ping pong. I’m always up for that. Me and Dad have a series going now and the winner will be determined by who wins 50 games first. As of typing this, Dad leads 16-15, so it’s tight competition. Posey hasn’t played since we got the new table, so he’s due. He could hang at the college tables, so I figure he still has it. It’s like riding a bike. It doesn’t take you long to get back into pong if you’ve been away from the game.
To end things tonight, I’ll give a few quick thoughts on the last Real World San Diego action. Tonight they showed an hour’s worth of stuff they claimed they should’ve shown before. It’s just a scheme to get hardcore fans like myself watching again. And sadly, it works. Some highlights of the show? More scenes of Brad going crazy on people is always great entertainment, The Bootyologist (not to be confused with our own DerekHood) throwing some smooth lines to the chicks in the hot tub, Jamie looking good as usual, and Cam being annoying. Not that I would know anything about hooking up with chicks in hot tubs unfortunately, but how many can turn down Big Pimpin in a hot tub? I like my odds on that one if it ever comes down to that.
Doh! As I was about to post this, I get a note from the Blog elite saying that they’re doing maintenance until 1:00 my time, ouch. A lot of you will be in bed by that time, so it’ll be a good wakeup present for you.
And remember, if all else fails, bust out the hot tub. It has to work doesn’t it? As for now, I’m out, holla.
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