Super Monkey Ball! Due to playing Tiger Woods 2005 constantly, we took a break from that a bit over the weekend to battle in Super Monkey Ball. At first glance, this game looks like such a kiddie game, and it probably is, but it’s very addicting. For the old school fans, I compare it a bit to Marble Madness for NES. It’s one of those games that’ll have you hooked, but when you start losing, it’s one where you want to take your controller and bash it against a wall, breaking it into pieces. It’s not a brand new game, but it is worth checking out if you have a GameCube to play and I’m sure you could get a good price on it nowadays. There’s also a Super Monkey Ball 2 out there as well.
What happened to Roy Jones Jr? Dang. This guy was at the top of the world a few years ago, getting reports as him being the best boxer of all time. That’s still debatable, but his past couple fights have been rough. He recently fought unknown Glen Johnson. Yeah, I’m thinking the same as you. Who? Mike Jooooones! Nah, not Mike Jones, this is Glen Johnson. And in the 9th Round of their fight, Big Glen totally messed up Jones. He hit him with two punishing shots to the head and that was the start of things. As Jones was falling to the canvas, his head bounced against the ground. Needless to say, Jones was mangulated. His eyes were in the back of his head, they literally had to open his mouth manually to get his mouthpiece out so he wouldn’t choke, and he had a concussion. That’s rough to see one of the most dominant boxers ever get worked like that against a tomato can, but that’s how boxing goes. Speaking of Jones, and I’ve said it in here before, but you need to pick up his new CD: Body Head Bangerz – I Smoke I Drink. Jones actually has some talent in my opinion in slanging lyrics. If you’re into Dirty South Rap, then you’ll enjoy this one. It has a heavy arsenal of rappers including Lil Flip, Juvenile, Bun B, Mike Joooones, B.G., Fiend, The YoungBloodz, Petey Pablo, Choppa, and Lil Boosie.

Thursday night, I forgot to type about this one. Me and Cork hit up the movies to see Mr. 3000. It’s a baseball movie, so we were interested, but I was skeptical on the situation. I thought it was going to be a really cheezy movie, but I was proven wrong. This is actually a pretty good movie and we both thought so. You really can’t go wrong with Bernie Mac in a comedy, so that’s worth it alone, but the rest of the storyline and characters flows pretty good. Not many major stars in here, but don’t let that fool you. Angela Bassett is his starring partner and she was looking real good. After doing some research on http://imdb.com, I find out that she’s 46 years old, dang. I knew she was a MILF, but didn’t realize she was that high up there in age. Oh well, age is just a number anyways after a certain point. And for whatever it’s worth, Bernie Mac is also 48. Go peep this movie out.
How about my Bears’ luck? We did beat Green Bay last week, but this week, our starting quarterback, Rex Grossman is done for the year after his ACL went out. Grossman isn’t a star, but he’s our future QB, but now who knows. Who knew? With a knee injury at a young age, that can’t be a good thing. So what do we do? We sign Chad Hutchinson for not one, but 2 YEARS. Ugh. I guess it could be worse, we could still have Kordell Stewart. I’m glad we didn’t go the route of signing some washed up, pushing 40 years old QB type. Might as well give the young guys a try. We did get beat by Moss this week, but at least it was close and the bright spot is that Thomas Jones rocked the house once again. He must be putting an extra dose of roids into his body this season because it’s paying off.
A quick update on ping pong before moving onto the meat and potatoes of the Blog, the RAW Report. The 50-game series with me and my Dad is just about over. Unless I totally fall apart, I should win this one. I’m up 48-38 right now, so that’s having me sitting pretty. I haven’t played in about 3 weeks, so I’m due to start playing a bunch again. Playing pong when it’s cold is the best time though, as I can’t wait to play in the winter out in my garage.
Last night RAW was held in Kansas City. On the football front, things can’t be any worse for the Chiefs, as Dick Vermeil is crying himself a rivahhh for being defeated. Not undefeated, defeated. And this was a team many picked to go really far this year. They won’t be with that defense and the defense this year was supposed to be greatly improved. Oh, so it’s wrestling you want. Sorry, I got on one of my tangents.
As far as RAW being held in Kansas City, it was at the Kemper Arena. This is the same arena that Owen Hart tragically fell to his death at Over The Edge 1999. Ironically, speaking of deaths, RAW opened tonight with a tribute to The Big Bossman, who passed away this week. I don’t have any numbers, but I bet the profession of wrestling has a high percentage of early deaths compared to a lot of other jobs you could have. It’s just unbelievable the amount that has died just in the past few years alone. We could write a big Blog on wrestler deaths, but that wouldn’t be fun.
The show opens up with Triple H and Eric Bischoff talking about Taboo Tuesday. I just can’t get excited for this quite yet, but maybe by the time October 19th rolls around, my mind will be changed. HHH was complaining of how the fans will pick who he faces here, to which Shelton Benjamin comes out to shut him up. This starts our match between these two, of course interrupted by a commercial. HHH busts him with the World Title and the bell is rung. Is there anything more weird, or would it be weirder, than the Kane/Lita saga? This week Kane talks about how Lita is still in a state of shock after losing the baby. Fine by me, as that means Lita didn’t get a chance to ruin a segment on RAW by opening up her mouth. Kane tells Gene Snitsky he’s next for what he did. To that, Snitsky beats down Val Venis. Snitsky is a huge dude, but I wish they’d do something with Val. He’s not that bad of a wrestler. The KC crowd kept chanting “Baby Killer!” to Snitsky though, which was entertaining.
Up next was my favorite segment of the night. I know I hype up Ric Flair too much in here, but he’s simply the man. He comes out in his pimp suit and cuts an awesome promo on how Randy Orton is called The Legend Killer. He names off people that Orton has beaten and calls them greats, but Flair claims himself the only Legend. He shoots down Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, and hometown legend Harley Race. Orton comes down and does a nice job himself. He admits that Flair is The Man, but he says it’s sad how he’s came to be today, as he does just what HHH tells him. Orton’s little cocky arm stretch thing gets me everytime. Orton claims to have grown up practicing the Ric Flair Strut, as we all have, but today while I was working out, I had to practice my Orton cockiness.
I won’t bother talking about some matches in the middle, Eugene, nor the Diva Party for Christy Hemme. The main event was Orton taking on Evolution member Batista. HHH comes down to help Batista, but Orton gains control. Playing on what Orton told Flair earlier about how he does what HHH says, Flair didn’t come out till the end of the match. As HHH was going to bust Orton with the chair, Flair takes it out of his hand making some think he’s going to crack HHH, but he’s the dirtiest player in the game. He takes the chair and wails away on Orton himself. Batista hits a Batista Bomb for the win in this No DQ Match and Evolution taunts him to end the show. I’ll let JR take us away with the ending, with his exact words:

So much for the crack in Evolution’s armor that we thought we might be seeing here tonight. Orton has got to win this match! Orton has got to win this match! To get to Taboo Tuesday! For the chance to meet the Champion! God Almighty! What the hell? Has Flair going crazy? Has Flair lost his mind? Is The Game so desperate to hold onto that World Title? Thanks to this no disqualification setup, Orton has been... The Legend standing on The Legend Killer! Orton has been eliminated from Taboo Tuesday’s World Title consideration. I thought Flair had come to his senses. Ugh! I can’t believe this! Flair snapped, The Game, he’s cracking for Taboo Tuesday. I thought Flair had come to his senses. But Randy is out of the running. Randy Orton cannot wrestle for the World Title at Taboo Tuesday thanks to Evolution! What in the hell is Flair thinking?
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