Rapper: Dr. Dre – Song: A Nigga Witta Gun – Album: The Chronic (1992)
Who’s the man with the master plan?
A nigga witta motherfuckin gun
44 reason come to mind
Why you motherfuckin brothers' hard to find
He be walkin on the streets and fuckin with mine
Stupid punk can't fuck with a mastermind
See I never take a step on a Compton block
or LA without the AK ready to pop
Cos them punk motherfuckas in black and white
Ain't the only motherfucka I gots to fight
I thinks it's better to be retellin the facts than cuffed up
and jacked and fucked up
What you niggas lookin at? You goin
goddamn! Cos it's the city
and for you to survive a nigga gotta be a gangsta
And I'm a nigga you can't remove
Took out a lot of motherfuckas for tryin to prove
To their homies that they can hang by dealin with me
But once again in the end they D-E-A-D
I never did time on a murder yet
Cos I relax and back, do a job and jet
Yo I know you understand my flow
So here we go with Death Row
Come let a motherfucka know
Who’s the man with the master plan?
A nigga witta motherfuckin gun
Who’s the man with the master plan?
A nigga witta motherfuckin gun

Last night’s RAW was pretty solid. We’re getting a great buildup towards SummerSlam, which is on August 15th. That’s one of the big four Pay Per Views of the year along with Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, and of course WrestleMania. Triple H starts out the show going on a roid rage for what Eugene did to him last week in the Ironman Match. That sets up HHH against Eugene at SummerSlam. Rhyno and Tajiri defeated the Tag Champions La Resistance in a Non Title Match. These two work well together, so hopefully they get a nice push. Tyson Tomko beat Rosey, ugh. Horrible horrible match. Jericho had Edge on the Highlight Reel for the night. Jericho threw Edge out of the Rumble last week and now that sets up a 3-Way at the PPV with Jericho against Edge (IC Champion) against Batista for the belt. HHH took on Regal, but it ended quickly with HHH busting Regal open with the brass knucks. Regal sliced himself crazy deep and he was dripping like a faucet. WWE.com has video of Regal getting stitched up after the match. We had Kane destroy Maven. Our main event was quality. It was a 6-Man Tag with Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and Batista taking on Edge, Jericho, and Chris Benoit. They were given a good half hour to battle and the end had Orton put the RKO to Benoit for the win.
Today was pretty uneventful. I didn’t go anywhere all day. I do a lot out here in the summer huh? Since I didn’t have to workout, I just hung out on here basically, played some video games, and watched TV. In NCAA 2005, I’m in my 3rd Year. I just got beat by Michigan State in OT, ugh. It was a heartbreaker. After finishing in the Top 10 in Year 2, I’m off to a rough 1-3 start this season and sitting in 30th Place. Now I’m watching some World Series of Poker action.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) I’m rolling to Charleston with my boy Posey. He has to sign some papers for his new car, so I’m going along for the ride. That and to hit up some shopping. I have too many clothes the way it is, but this one place has hoodies for crazy cheap, so I can’t pass that up. A little stat for you all not in West Virginia. On the way down to Atlanta, we killed some time with map trivia. While checking out the atlas, we found that the biggest “city” in the Dub-V is 53,000. That’s downright embarrassing. And yes, that one is Charleston. So we basically don’t really have a true city in our entire state. But they do have a great mall there, so why not go down for the 2-hour ride?
The USA basketball team got beat by Italy?! Come on now, what’s that? Did I wake up from a dream? I watched this mess of a game earlier. If this is how we show up at the Olympics, our team should just be sent home right now. Italy didn’t have a player on their team that has a chance to ever play NBA ball, yet they lit our thugs up today for the tune of 15 threes in our faces. In international ball, we need a shooter. Yet for some odd reason, our team doesn’t have a guy who is known as a shooting threat. That and we couldn’t get the ball inside to one of the world’s best in Tim Duncan. Another stat for you. They were mentioning at the game, that the fans in the arena were there for 32 hours before the game started. Now that’s hardcore. Those Europeans really get into it and they were against us all game. Embarrassing in a way, but kind of funny in another sense.
I’m going to end today’s post with some links:
Rap CD Release Dates: http://www.geocities.com/cdreleasedates/
Real World/Road Rules Blog: http://realworldroadrules.blogspot.com/
HoopsHype: http://www.hoopshype.com/home.htm
Addicting Games (Mini-Putt): http://addictinggames.com/miniputt.html
Iced Out Gear: http://www.icedoutgear.com/
Gas Prices: http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/sbsavg.asp
1 comment:
u woulda been proud of me, ya see i woulda watched RAW if i was home last night. but i wasnt. so ya know...
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